Based on the manga written by Haro Aso by the same name, Alice in Borderland is a sci-fi thriller drama directed by Shinsuke Sato. The Japanese drama has its episodes written by Yoshiki Watabe, Yasuko Kuramitsu, and Sato.
The story focuses on protagonists Yuzuha Usagi played by Tao Tsuchiya, and Ryohei Arisu, played by Kento Yamazaki, and others who get stuck in an isolated area of Tokyo. To survive, they are made to play certain games. Cards determine the level of difficulty of the game. Upon successfully completing the game, they are offered visas that determine their lives, the expiry of which kills them with lasers from the sky.
What to Expect from Season 2 of Alice in Borderland?
With the previous season full of suspense and thriller, the upcoming season will also deliver the same excitement. The end of season 1 showed that Yuzuha, Ryhei, and other players would continue to play further levels of dangerous games. In the previous season’s episodes, the participants were projected to a lot of dangers, and so will they in the coming season. Be ready to experience thrill, suspense, and a lot of action and adventure!
Cast to be Expected in Alice in Borderland Season 2
It is believed that the main leads from the previous season, Kento Yamazaki and Tao Tsuchiya, will make a comeback in their roles of Ryohei Arisu and Yuzuha Usagi, respectively. Others who are belived to join them are, Hikari Kuina played by Aya Asahina, Shuntaro Chishiya played by Nijiro Murakami and Nira Kano played by Riisa Naka. However, the list of new entries hasn’t been shared by Netflix as of now and the fans will have to wait for the same to be out soon.
This is What We Know So Far About the Production and Release of Alice in Borderland Season 2…..
After launching on December 10 last year on popular streaming platform Netflix, Alice in Borderland has gathered good feedback from the audience as well as the critics and got a score of 7.7/10 on Netflix itself. Soon after the two-week global release of season 1, the streamer announced the renewal of its suspense-packed show for second edition around the Christmas by sharing a teaser. The news broke out through various social media handles of the platform.
As soon as the news regarding the season 2 was viral, avid fans are desperately waiting to discover how the players play the games that are dangerous and manage to save themselves. But to the disbelief of fans, season 2 of Alice in Borderland hasn’t been over as of now, so the trailer is also not available as yet.
Also, since no official news has been out from the Netflix team about the release of season 2, the predictions by the fans about its telecast indicate its arrival not before 2022, owing to the pandemic-related restrictions that pose a halt to the shooting schedules. This means that the shooting for Season 2 of Alice in Borderland would not be finished till end of this year, making its release certain for next year.