All America: Homecoming is a sports drama series on The CW channel. Created by Nkechi Okoro Carroll, the show is a spin-off from All American that revolves around sports. The show follows the life of Simone Hicks, who starts her new life at Bringston University.
The sports series first aired on February 21, 2022, with its first episode (Start Over). Fans are eager for the third episode of the season that will air soon on the CW Network.
Follow the article to learn about the release date of All American: Homecoming Episode 3, its cast, and everything else.
Release Date
The new episode is confirmed to air on March 7, 2022, on The CW. The first episode of the series aired on Monday, February 21. The show releases the new episodes on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. ET. Episode 4 is expected to release on March 14, 2022, on the channel. Ratings are good of previous episodes.
What All To Know Before Watching?
The series is about a young ambitious tennis player who leaves her home to attend Bringston University. In a new environment, she meets many interesting individuals. One of them is Damon Sims, an elite baseball player. The duo will overcome many hardships to achieve their goal.
Previously on All American: Homecoming, Simone faced hardships while balancing her tennis training and academics. Meanwhile, Damon struggled with his baseball.
Simone had a hard time realizing her dreams and somehow, found motivation and comfort from unexpected sources. She even faced bad luck while participating for Queen of the Court. Her physical wasn’t updated, so she couldn’t take part in her group practices. One misfortune after the other made her feel terrible and unmotivated. Simone’s financial conditions did not look good either. She struggled with paying for her physicals but somehow managed.
On top of that, she had to face more troubles because of internet bullies. Keisha and Nathaniel helped Simone to get her a new makeover. Along with the makeover, she also needs to fix her time management skills. She missed her tennis practice and things didn’t look good for her.
Simone had to do a group project with Damon and Thea, which she didn’t like. However, Thea sorted out their duties on the project for smooth teamwork. Damon seemed a little laidback with the project. However, three of them started to study seriously. But they were interrupted by JR, who invited them to a party.
Simone wanted to study so that she doesn’t fail at another thing, so she left the party. While returning, she felt her chest getting heavy and started hyperventilating. Damon finds her and it turns out that Simone had a panic attack.
Things get better for her in the end. She managed to present her project and received great appreciation. She also played fiercely, however, she lost by one point. Nevertheless, she managed to prove her worth to Coach Loni.
Where to Watch?
The show airs on The CW every Monday. If you don’t have access to the original network, then we have other options for you. You can stream it on YouTube TV, Hulu Live +, and DirectTV.
The cast of the show includes Peyton Alex Smith (Damon Sims), Geffri Hightower (Simone Hicks), Netta Walker (Keisha McCalla), Cory Hardrict (Coach Marcus Turner), Rhoyle Ivy King (Nathaniel Hardin), Sylvester Powell (Jessie ‘JR’ Raymond), Kelly Jenrette (Amara Patterson), Camille Hyde (Thea Mays), Mitchell Edwards (Cam Watkins), Leonard Roberts (President Zeke Allen), and Terrence Hardy (Art).