Goblin Slayer is a dark fantasy anime genre released in 2018; it is based on the light novel of the same name, done with White Fox studios, and it is a twelve-episode long anime.
The Plot Without Spoilers
The anime’s plot is based in a fantasy world where humanity has been at war with different sorts of monsters that people are used to this chaos. A guild is built for the people who enjoy the chaos and violence as well as going on adventures where they will be rewarded for completing it successfully. Everyone is eligible for taking part in the adventures and killing monsters.
The protagonist is known as Goblin Slayer because he only accepts and takes quests where he can murder goblins, he knows everything about goblins, and he is obsessed with them.
What You Should Know
Goblin Slayer is one of the best anime presents out there, and the plot and the character sketch of the movie are original and unique. It appears to be a macho anime that showcases a world where beautiful women need protection from goblins, and there was something about the sound effects and the animation which made me watch this anime more because when the Goblin Slayer split open the skulls of the goblins, the sound was very satisfying.
However, if we think critically, the anime depicts a world where it silently shows the results of the violent and gruesome world, which focuses only on men protecting women from heinous crimes such as rape and murder. Even though plenty of female adventurers have the strength and ability to protect people, the male adventurers overshadow them.
The townsmen desire protection from the goblins, or else they will either be hacked apart or eaten alive by them. The disturbing aspect of the anime is that it presents a theme of neuroticism because of the violence adventurers face in their profession. The Goblin Slayer tries to change this mentality of these adventurers, but we see him getting drunk after his newest murder spree.
Moreover, the friendship or bond does not exist out of love; it exists with the shared experience of death and remorse and getting drunk. The anime characters do not have a name, which dehumanizes them, as their characters are remembered with the number of kills they achieved in his/ her adventures.
A sense of isolation can be seen because we see the Goblin Slayer as a strong, silent hero who sees the dangers that other heroes choose to ignore. Moreover, he can not communicate with people. The quiet hero shows signs of extreme PTSD with his isolation from people.
We rarely see the Goblin Slayer without any armor, and when he removes it, we see a body covered in battle scars and experience violence. The anime is pretty much disturbing, but if one is looking forward to watching something fun, then this anime is one of them.
Where to Watch
Goblin Slayer was released in 2018, and the anime can be watched on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu in English dub. Sadly, the anime is not available on popular OTT platforms such as Netflix, Disney+ Hotstar, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, or any local OTT platforms.
If you are a fan of anime and regularly watch it, then it would be better to buy a membership for Crunchyroll or Funimation because it showcases almost every anime, and the newest episodes will be available here in Sub and Dub hours after it is released in Japan.
Information About 2nd Season
As of now, the creators of the anime and the studio are tight-lipped about the plot and the release date of the second season of the show. Even though the announcement for the show’s second season is on January 31, 2021, no further announcements related to the second season are announced anymore.