Kiss x Sis is a Japanese erotic comedy-drama anime. The story follows a middle-school boy who lives with his father after his mother’s death. His father remarries another woman. With that remarriage, the boy, Keita Suminoe, gains two older twin sisters, Ako Suminoe and Riko Suminoe. Both the step-sisters suggestively tease their brother. In addition, they fight among each other for their step-brother’s romantic love.
The romantic anime is based on the Japanese manga series illustrated by Bow Ditama. The series was animated by Feel Studio, with Munenori Nawa as the director. The series was produced by the trio of Masayuki Haryu, Takahiro Yamanaka and Tomoko Kawasaki. The series was released on April 4, 2010, on the AT-X channel. The series currently holds a rating of 6 on IMDb and 6.66 on My Anime List.
Where to Watch Anime Kiss x Sis (2010) Online?
The erotic comedy was first released on April 5, 2010, on the AT-X channel. The producers Starchild Records and GANSIS released in the spring of 2010 comprises 12 episodes of each episode of 24 minutes. The 12-episode event of the series is available on the internet on Anime Heaven, GOGO Anime, ZORO. To, Anime GG and Dubbed Anime. The viewers can also watch the series on Anime Kisa and 4 Anime in Japanese and English.
What to Know Before Watching Anime Kiss x Sis (2010)?
Keita Suminoe moves in with his father after his mother passes away. His father remarried, and with that marriage, Keita gains two older step-sisters, Ako Suminoe and Riko Suminoe. Since the three of them met, the sisters developed romantic, incestuous feelings towards Keita. They constantly fight for his attention and love. Their encounter began the lifelong feud for his heart.
At the end of middle school, Keita is studying hard to get into the same high school as his love-struck older sisters. With this, he must also come to a decision, whether to reject or to accept his sisters’ romantic advances. However, in this, his sisters are not alone in their advances. Other women are lusting over him. It is to see when will Keita gives in to the lustful temptations.
When did Anime Kiss x Sis (2010) Release?
The first episode of the series was released on the AT-X channel on April 2, 2010. After that, the series had 12 episodes of 24 minutes which ran in the entirety of the spring till the early summer of 2010. Finally, the last episode premiered on June 21, 2010. According to the premise given on IMDb’s website, the anime follows a young man whose mother died recently, and his father remarries.
He is trying hard to get into the same high school as his two older step-sisters. However, the step-sisters always try to seduce him. The series, taking place in modern Japan, revolves around Keita’s struggle to maintain his personal life and his school life balance while also avoiding his sisters’ affections.
Who has Voiced in Anime Kiss x Sis (2010)?
The protagonist, Keita Suminoe, is voiced by Ken Takeuchi. Ayana Taketatsu and Yuiko Tatsumi voiced Ako Suminoe and Riko Suminoe, Keita’s older twin sisters. The main cast is supported by the voice actors Yoriki Nagata, AksukaOgame and Asami Imai. KiyotakaFurushima and Daisuke Matsuo are also voice stars in the anime series.
The series was animated by Feel Studio, with Munenori Nawa as the director. The series was produced by the trio of Masayuki Haryu, Takahiro Yamanaka and Tomoko Kawasaki with Starchild Records and GANSIS.