Mirai is a popular Japanese animated adventure and fantasy movie produced by Genki Kawamura. The movie premiered on 16th May 2018 and is directed by Mamuro Hosoda. The movie was released on 2nd November 2018 in the United Kingdom and on 23rd August in Australia. It premiered on 20th September 2018 in New Zealand and on 29th November in the United States.
This Japanese animation won several awards including the Academy Award. It was also nominated for many others including Golden Globe Award and Best Animated Features Award. The plot of the movie is refreshing and revolves around a four-year-old boy Kun and his life imaginations.
If you are wondering whether you should watch this Japanese anime or not, you are at the right spot. Here is all you need to know about this adventure and Fantasy anime Mirai.
The Plot of the Movie
Mirai is about a small child named Kun who has had all of his family’s love until his sister was born. Now that he has a baby sister, Mirai, he is no more the center of their parent’s world which does not go well with him. He also becomes angry and tries to cause harm to his sister.
Kun throws his items on the ground. He tries all that a small child can do to turn the focus on himself but none of it is working. Family and friends from the past and future visit him in the home courtyard, bringing him on tiny journeys in an attempt to educate him on much-needed lessons about life.
The final quest for the conclusion is an exception to this absence of imagination. Kun embarks on a train voyage (he adores trains) and must confront his greatest fear before returning home. At the end of the movie, we got to see how Kun travels in the future and gets to know the reason behind the behaviors of their parents and finally, he becomes more open-minded and starts enjoying his life.
Analysis of the Movie
The movie is overall good, it has good visuals, background, sceneries, music, and also the plot is refreshing. These are some of the things the movie succeeds at in capturing Kun’s quicksilver attitude at this tender age, as his attitude may shift from joyful and friendly to utter roaring terror in a Yokohama moment.
The thought that even ordinary activities may appear extraordinary is crucial to Hosoda’s anime. The filmmaker specializes in capturing the antics of Kun’s 24/7 existence, such as his enjoyment in fogging glasses with his breathing and then rubbing the water away.
Should You Stream Or Skip It?
You should definitely stream this anime show Mirai especially when you love watching animes and adventure shows. There is a lot of detailed information in the movie with beautiful background and fascinating visuals for the viewers. The past and the future travel twist also makes the storyline wonderful to watch. You should try watching this adventure anime Mirai with your family and friends for spending some quality time with them.
Where can You Watch This Movie?
This popular fantasy anime Mirai is available to stream on many online platforms. You can enjoy this anime for free on GoGo anime, you can also watch it on Netflix and Crunchyroll with the subscription. This anime is available to rent and purchase on VUDU, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, and Google Play TVs and Movies.