One Piece is an insanely popular Japanese manga series that was first released in the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump and later adapted into television series on October 20, 1999. The series broke many records written by Eiichiro Oda, including the Guinness World Record for “the most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author.” The series is also rendered as the best manga of all time.
With a handful of directors, this adventure fiction has been in the air with a real deal of 1000 episodes. The story revolves around a boy named Monkey. D. Luffy, who obtained the characteristics of rubber after unintentionally consuming a Devil Fruit and his quest to become the next Pirate King.
The series then presents Luffy and his mates, the Straw Hat Pirates’ exploration of the Grand Line searching for the ultimate treasure called “One Piece”. Let’s get belted up for episode 1001’s release date, streaming platforms, speculations, and much more.
When and Where to Watch
One Piece Episode 1001 will be aired at 8:00 AM on November 28, 2021and is available to watch online on Crunchyroll and Funimation. Interestingly, the episode is titled as “Battle of Monsters on Onigashima”. This episode is sure increase some adrenaline!
What was Shown in One Piece Episode 1000?
The forces of Kozuki retainers confronts Kaido, Jack and his Minions at the rooftop. This is where Nekomamushi and Inuarashi takes their Sulong forms and fight with Jack. Everyone gets surprised by the enormous strength displayed by General Franky. It is then the Strawhats Assemble and the fight gets intense.
Luffy and Zoro attempt to go to the rooftop only to be thrown down by Queen, who catches them in the middle. Sanji who recovered from the wound made by King, joined the Strawhats.
What to Expect in One Piece Episode 1001?
It is speculated that a Tobi Roppo member will be uncovered as the traitor who will betray the Queen and attack her. As X Drake being the spy of S. W. O. R. D, the possibility cannot be pushed aside. King and Queen reunite to stop anyone from getting to the rooftop and decide to hold their inner power struggles for a while. According to Hawkins, there is only a 1% possibility that anyone survives the battle.
Big Mom, who was outside the Onigashima Castle comes back and attacks Luffy by fireball. Zoro, who tagged along with Luffy, will kill Prometheus. When Kaido attacks Luffy, he is saved by Law, who can be seen as an obedient person to Luffy’s orders. Kaido, who takes a dragon form, decides to kill all the crew to take over the title of the next Pirate King.
It is also speculated that he is on the verge of realization after his downfall. Meanwhile, King gets alerted about the prisoners of Udon and Queen notifies all the Tobi Roppo members.
Who are Behind One Piece?
In this section, let’s find out the cast members behind the anime as it will not be courteous to miss them. Monkey D. Luffy is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in the original version and Colleen Clinkenbeard in the English version. Zoro is dubbed by Kazuya Nakai and Christopher Sabat; Sanji by Hiroaki Hirata and Eric Vale; Nami is voiced by Akemi Okamura and Luci Christian; Usopp by Kappei Yamaguchi and Sonny Strait.
These are the prime characters and their voice actors. There is a complete data on all the voiceovers available for anime explorers for further references. Stick on with us to know more about One Piece and its spoilers.