Pokémon 2019 is a Japanese anime and is also known as Pocket Monsters. The anime Pokemon Master Journeys: The Series is the current season and will mark the end of the current season after the release of 3 episodes. The series is a product out of the Pokémon Media Franchise.
The anime is based on the video game series by the company and is divided into seven parts in Japan, whereas it’s divided into twenty-four parts for international broadcast. The series is said to cover all eight regions, including the newest one.
Release Date: Pokémon 2019
The anime Pokémon 2019 will release episode 85 of the series on October 29, 2021, as announced by the officials. The episode is titled “Rival Showdown! Satoshi vs. Saito!!”. The title hints at a fight between Satoshi and Saito.
Recap of the Previous Episode: Pokémon 2019
The previous episode of the series was titled “The Lucarionite! Great Adventure on Mega Island!!”. In this episode, Satoshi and Goh are seen visiting Kalos and then, they go to Cornis Gym and watch her defeat a challenger. Lucario can then sense the Lucarionite, and hence they head to the place where the supposed signals came from.
While searching for the Lucarionite, they get separated but are brought back together because of the strong bond that Lucario and Satoshi share. They finally find the Lucarionite and are about to take it when it’s taken by a man who then challenges Satoshi to take it from him, to which Satoshi willingly accepts.
Initially, they struggle to fight the man, but then they trick him and get hold of the Lucarionite. It is then revealed that the man was none other than Concombre, who disguised himself as the man. While heading back, Satoshi is notified of his face-off with his rival – Saito.
Characters: Pokémon 2019
The main characters of the series are listed as follows:-
- Ash Ketchum / Satoshi
- Goh
- Pikachu
- Cinderace
- Chloe
- Eevee
- Professor Cerise
Plot Speculations: Pokémon 2019
The next episode’s title and the ending of the previous episode showed that Satoshi received a message of the opponent’s name of his next fight, and this opponent isn’t just anyone; he is his rival and is ranked at 60. We can expect a lot of action and drama in the upcoming episode as the fight of the rivals starts. It would be thrilling to watch both fights and keep us on the edge of our seats to see who will finally win.
Where to Watch Pokémon 2019?
The anime is available for viewing on Netflix in the United States, and one can also view it on Pokémon TV. Apart from these, fans can watch the series on YouTube or Amazon Prime with a subscription to the platform. The series releases its episodes once a week on Friday. Each episode of the series ranges from 20 minutes to 24 minutes, sometimes longer.
The series is a good watch not only for children but also for adults. It’s a light watch if one doesn’t want to deal with a lot of drama happening in a show.