Japanese originated anime show called ‘Rumble Granndoll’ which recently aired on television as a serialized 12 episodes manga series is animated by Lerche studio. Its first episode was released on October 11, 2021. The series has already released its latest weekly episode on November 22, 2021. Every new episode is scheduled to be released on Mondays. The show’s opening theme is ‘Fever Dreamer,’ and its ending theme is ‘Reverse-rebirth.’
Previously on Rumble Garanndoll Episode 7 and Episode 8 Speculation
Rumble Granndoll’s upcoming Episode 8 is titled ‘ (Welcome) The Best Way to Live as a Shut-in!’. Our speculation says that this upcoming episode will showcase the battle between the True Army and Balzac’s crew. Also, Misa kidnaps, and sooner her disappearance and sudden arrival as the base will be seen. She will be seen communicating through a box.
The rest of the episode will follow Misa and the Balzac’s fun and adventure. Rumble Granndoll Episode 7 highlights Misa Kuroki, who is the 3rd Battery Girl. The one who does encourage any social interactions. She plays her tricks and games on our lead Hero Hosomichi and his team. Hosomichi tries his best possible ways to win the games in a dungeon style, but we see that he faces challenges at every stage.
While reaching the near end, we see that the only possible way for Hosomichi to win if he wants to save Akihabara is with Misa’s help. Hosomichi is seen making settlements and negotiations with Misa.
Rumble Granndoll: The Story in a Nutshell
One ordinary day in the year 2019, Japan experiences an unusual incident occurring in the blue sky, leaving the country to transform into an alternative land called ‘Shinkoku Nippon’ full of nerds, crazy robots, and battery girls. These giant creatures, with the support of their powerful weapons, succeed in conquering the government.
This alternative dimension is situated in the Shawa era. This sudden arrival of the parallel world out of the womb of the sky keeps the militarism and, through the powerful effect of ‘Genmu’ weapons, starts ruling over Japan.
Where can I Watch Rumble Garanndoll Episode 8 Online?
Coming Monday on November 29, 2021, at 11:00 PM, the show will release its scheduled 8th episode. The viewers can watch the upcoming Episode 8 on ANIPLUS and Funimation. For some specific countries, options like Muse Malaysia( playlist) or Bilibili TV are also available.
Rumble Granndoll Reviews So Far
Rumble Granndoll has received mixed reviews and critics ever since the release of the very first episode. Where some call it interesting, others call it silly. As much as the show is fading curiosity, equally the audience is seen eager with high hopes, giving the plot yet another chance to convince that the upcoming episodes will bring something fun-filled for the fans.
Rumble Granndoll is created with some unique elements, which helps in giving the show a moderate rating. Even though the show seems to lack a little humor, the fandom still believes in the show’s story.