Sabikui Bisco is a Japanese animated series that was directed by Atsushi Ikariya. It draws inspiration from the light novel of the same name by Shinji Cobkubo. In March this year, the novel was picked up for the anime series by OZ at the Kadokawa Light Novel Expo 2020.
The script was penned by Sadayuki Murai, while the characters were designed by Ikariya and Ai Asari. The ones responsible for creating the music are Takeshi Ueda and Hinako Tsubakiyama. So if you are here to know everything about this upcoming anime, then we have got you fully covered. So do make sure you give this article a good read till the very end.
What To Know Before Watching Sabikui Bisco?
The story follows the transformation of Japan to a barren piece of land following the disaster named Rusty Wind which completely shatters the population of the region. Set in the time of far future, the one that fell prey to it was Bisco Akahoshi’s teacher. In order to find the cure for him, he embarks on the journey in the adverse environment to find the only mushroom known to treat the ailment known by the name Rust Eater.
Along with him is Milo, a young and smart doctor; he will have to fight to get to the medicine with various others as well as the unsuitable conditions and difficulties so that they turn back alive and save the lives of their loved ones. Will they find the mushroom? Will they make out safe? Well, only time will tell about that. It will be interesting to watch how the story will unfurl in this upcoming anime.
Who Are All There In Sabikui Bisco?
The cast members of the anime comprise Ryōta Suzukilending, the voice to the character of Bisco Akaboshi, Reina Kondōlending the voice to the character ofPaū Nekoyanagi; Natsuki Hanaelending the voice to the character ofMilo Nekoyanagi, Kenjiro Tsudalending, the voice to the character of Kurokawa, Miyu Tomitalending the voice to the character ofChiroru Ōchagama and Shirō Saitōlending the voice to the character ofJabi.
When Will Sabikui Bisco Air?
The anime Sabikui Bisco is all set to make its presence for the viewers on January 11, 2022. Yes, the anime will be available early next year so that fans can enjoy it without any delay, the chances of which are also scarce as of now. So be prepared to experience some adventure-filled drama in the new year!
Where Can Viewers Enjoy Sabikui Bisco?
Having said that, the anime will be airing next year; we will now tell you where the fans can enjoy the same. In Japan, the show will be made available on networks like SUN, Tokyo MX and BS11. In South as well as Southeast Asia, Muse Communication has licensed the show, whereas, outside Asias, Funimation has done the job. Now that you have read when and where to watch it, skipping it would be a bad idea!