The Japanese anime TV series, Sakugan will release its third episode on October 22. A Satelight production, Sakugan, dropped its debut episode on October 7, with Jun’ichi Wada helming the series. He has also scripted the anime series, and by far it has received a rating of 7.6/10 by MyAnimeList. Sakugan has science-fiction has its defining element, and it is based on a novel by Nekotarō Inui.
Licensed by Crunchyroll, the anime series was scheduled to drop last year, but after a long delay, it was finally released in October this year. Here are all details you should know of before the third episode makes its release.
When will Anime SAKUGAN Episode 3 be Release?
The third episode of Sakugan, officially titled as, “Brains & Hearts” will release on October 22, 2021. It will release at 11:30 PM JST (Japanese Standard Time). Based on the location, the specific time releases are 7:30 am Pacific Time, 9:30 am Central Time, 10:30 am Eastern Time, and 3:30 pm British Time. The forthcoming episode of the anime series is directed and storyboarded by Hidezaku Sato, and the plotline is written by Mariko Mochizuki.
Where can You Watch Anime SAKUGAN Episode 3?
Episode 3 of anime Sakugan will be available for streaming online at 11:30 pm JST on Bilibili and Crunchyroll. New episodes also drop on the original network Tokyo MX, MBS, BS11. For viewing internationally, you can stream it digitally via the official YouTube channel and VRV through Crunchyroll. You can stream the dubbed and subbed versions only via Crunchyroll, and you can catch up with it based on your local time details listed above.
What are the Speculations About the Upcoming Episode?
The coming episode will mark the inception of the longward journey towards the labyrinth. Memenpu will come to learn that the exploration of the labyrinth will prove to be risky. As they head on inwards, they end up losing two of their comrades when battling against the monsters. Since this event, Memenpu has tried to stay low knowing that her father can’t bear to lose her. Sakugan anime brings forth a story of a girl, who intends to be a Marker.
Recap of Anime SAKUGAN Episode 2
The current season of the anime TV series, Sakugan will have 24 episodes in total. It develops the story of the duo of daughter-father, named Memenpu and Gagumber, who reside in an underground town. In the previous episode released on October 14, titled, ‘Good day, good bye’, Memenpu and Gagumber continue to battle immensely against the kaiju. In the end, they succeed in the fight and bring down the monsters to save the Colony.
After this sequence, the duo initiates their journey to become the Markers. They start to journey into the labyrinth, but Memenpu realizes that it is incredibly deadly and dangerous. Memenpu meanwhile also modifies the robot, which she names Big Tony. Gagumber provides her with the keepsakes passed on by Lynda as they initiate their journey. The previous episode ends with the duo beginning their fate as Markers.
You can watch Sakugan episode 3 on October 22, at 11:30 pm JST, on Crunchyroll.