Japanese Manga Series, called Tesla Note, is a work of two writers and an illustrator, namely Tadayoshi Kubo, MasafumiNishia, and KoutaSannomiya. Also known as Tesla Noto, the manga was published in Weekly Shonen Magazine by Kodansha. The series can be found today in single sets and volumes. By August 2021, the novel was out as a Magazine Pocket with four volumes.
Then Kodansha USA successfully got a license to convert the manga into an English digital adaptation. So in October ’21, the series was adapted into an Anime by Gambit Studio. The Anime show now, Tesla Note, made its debut on October 3, 2021, and can be watched on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan.
About the Anime “Tesla Note”
The Tesla Note Anime is a new steampunk-based Spy mystery show that came out on screens during fall 2021. The anime is inspired by a manga series that goes by the exact name and was published in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine.
The series has given out quite a few episodes, directed by Michio Fukuda, with Masafumi Nishida responsible for all the scripts. The famous POKImari is responsible for creating the characters, and Kaoru Wada leads the department of music for this anime show.
Tesla Note Anime Episodes and Release
Sometime back, the Gambit Studio announced that the anime show “Tesla Note” will consist of 12 episodes in all and will hit the screens from October 1, 2021, onwards. The show will release one new episode every week on Sunday, at 3:00 PM JST. However, the first episode of Tesla Note was aired on October 3, 2021, at 11:00 PM JST, and the show will now have a total of 13 episodes.
When will Tesla Note Episode 10 Come Out?
The expected and awaited tenth episode of Tesla Note Episode 10 is on schedule for release on December 5, 2021. Episode ten bears the title “A Consideration on Suspects”. The seat-clenching storyline and mouth-gaping twists are what bring Tesla Note such a large viewership all across the globe. The eleventh episode will be out on December 12, 2021.
Where can I Watch Tesla Note Online?
The Tesla Note episodes will first release on local network channels TV Tokyo, BS-11 and HTB and then on online streaming platforms a few hours later. For viewers from the USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil, the latest episodes of the anime show can be found on Funimation. Funimation provides the episodes in the original Japanese dub and embedded English subtitles. Thankfully, Wakanim has got a license to air the show in these countries for viewers from France, Denmark, and Russia.
But in general, for all viewers across the globe, the anime show can be watched on either Funimation or Crunchyroll. Being the only known and legit streaming platforms that run the series on their screens, fans and watchers can choose either of these to watch Tesla Note. For those watchers who have taken a subscription to any of these platforms, it’ll be easier for them to watch the show.