Maid Sama is an anime-based television drama series that was released on April 1, 2010. It is inspired by the manga series by the name Maid Sama that Hiro Fujiwara created. Hiroaki Sakurai has directed the television series, and J.C Staff has produced it. The storyline of the series depicts a romantic relationship between Takumi Usui, who is a popular yet mysterious boy at the Seika Highschool, and Misaki Ayuzawa, a girl who is also the president of the student council.
Takumi also knows about Misaki’s job as a maid that she undertakes to support her family. The series is full of several twists and turns and sweet moments full of friendship and love that will keep the audience hooked.
Where Does Maid Sama Take Place?
Maid Sama was released almost a decade ago, and yet the craze for the show hasn’t reduced even a bit. The show was basically set in two locations that is the Maid Restaurant and the Seika Highschool. The major revelations and the introduction of the protagonists happened mostly in the school.
The storyline of the series depicts a romantic relationship between Takumi Usui, who is a popular yet mysterious boy at the Seika Highschool, and Misaki Ayuzawa, a girl who is also the president of the student council. Takumi also knows about Misaki’s job as a maid that she undertakes in order to support her family. The series is full of several twists and turns and sweet moments full of friendship and love, and the series finally ends with Misaki and Usui getting married after 10 years.
Who were the Main Characters in Maid Sama?
The series’s protagonist is Takumi Usui, the most popular student in the Seika Highschool who Nobuhiko Okamoto voices for the Japanese dub and David Matranga for the English Dub. The main female protagonist is Misaki Ayuzawa, who is the student council present of Seika Highschool and Usui’s love interest. Her character is voiced by Ayumi Fujimura in Japanese and Monica Rial in English.
Other characters include Hinata Shintani, Shizuko, and Sakura Hanazono, who is Miskai’s friend, Naoya Shirakawa, along with Ikuto and Ryuunosuke, who are students at Seika High,
When was it Released?
Maid Sama is a Japanese anime series that is inspired by a novel of the same name. The series was released way back in 2010 and was released on April 1, 2010, in Japan and had a continental release in Asia on April 4, 2010. It was released in North America on June 15, 2010, and in Southeast Asia on November 25, 2010. The series had good reviews and had a good viewership as well.
Where to Watch it?
Maid Sama was released way back in the year 2010, and yet the craze for the show has not taken a back seat. The anime is available for streaming on Netflix and can also be streamed on Just Watch and Go Anime. The dubbed version is available on Netflix as of now.