Arcane is an animated television event series that is set in the League of Legends Universe. This upcoming series is created by Riot Games in association with Fortiche Productions. The series is broken into three episodes acts which will be released in the course of 3 weeks. The series is set in the genre of Fantasy science fiction along with adventure and action. The plotline of Arcane is set in the past and revolves around the retelling of stories of different characters from Piltover and Zaun.
Arcane is available for a 14+ audience, and several known faces will be voicing the characters. The trailer and release date of Arcane was announced in the global fan event of Netflix called Tudum that was held on September 25, 2021. The series is highly awaited by the fans of League of Legends, who are to see their favorite characters on screen again.
When Is It Releasing?
Arcane is inspired by one of the audience’s favorite series League of Legends, and Netflix has officially announced the release date of Arcane, which is on November 5, 2021.
Netflix released the trailer of Arcane during their Global Fan Event Tudum that was held on September 25, 2021. Arcane will be available for streaming only on Netflix from November 6, 2021, when the first part will release, the second part will release on November 13, and the third and final act will be released on November 20. The series will be available on Netflix.
Updates From Tudum
Apart from the announcement of the release date in three parts in their global fan event Tudum, Netflix also dropped the dramatic trailer of Arcane and gave a sneak peek into the upcoming series, which the fans are eagerly waiting for. The trailer gave a sneak-peek into fan’s favorite characters like Jayce, Caitlyn, and Viktor, who play a significant part in the upcoming anime.
Arcane seems to be not sticking to the earlier rivalries of Jinx VI and will have a whole new outlook by looking into the lives of some previous and new characters. The fans are waiting in great anticipation for the release of Arcane, which as of now stands on November 6, 2021.
Expected Plot And Cast
Arcane will be set in the cites of Piltover and Zaun and retell the genesis of Vi and Jinx, which the fans of League of Legends seem familiar too. The world of Arcane is threatened with some dark power which brings about violence and chaos. The series will not only explore the relationship between the sisters but also focus on several different characters. The series would supposedly be a standalone series as per Riot.
The series will also feature the genesis of some other characters as well. The different characters will be voiced by artists such as Hailee Steinfeld, who will be voicing VI. Kevil Alejandro, who will voice Jayce. Ella Purnell, who will voice Jinx, Katie Leung, who will voice Caitlyn, Harry Lloyd, who will voice Viktor, Toks Olagundoye, who will voice Mel and JB Blank, who will voice Vander.