The 12th edition of the animated spy comedy Archer premiered on FXX on August 25, 2021, with its first two episodes and the rest lined for subsequent Wednesdays. Adam Reed created the American series, and Floyd County Productions is the production company.
The current season is packed with eight episodes running till early October and shows how Archer and his team is bound to face new challenges in the face of the International Intelligence Agency (IIA) who’s agents are soulless and in the chance to defeat Archer’s spy agency.
The cast for the latest edition comprises voices of H. Jon Benjamin for the role of Sterling Archer- self-proclaimed greatest spy, Jessica Walter for Malory Archer- mother to Sterling Archer, Amber Nash as Pam Poovey- a go-getter, Lucky Yates for Dr. Kreiger- the unethical scientist, Chris Parnell for Cyril Figgis-the top office spy, Judy Greer for Cheryl Tunt- the office assistant and Aisha Tyler as Lana Kane- spy who has conflicted marriage issues.
What can be Expected from Episode 5?
After releasing the first two episodes on the premiere date, the next two installments got telecasted on 1st and 8th September, respectively. The fifth episode is slated to go on air by September 15 on FXX and is named as “Shots”. Episode 4, named “Photo Op,” showcased Dr. Krieger designing artificial intelligence for the office that was supposed to be environmentally friendly but ends up turning into a dangerous system that could destroy the climate.
Cheryl has to look after an intern while Archer is assisting the UN in a mission to send back a gorilla to his family. At the same time, his co-worker Lana encounters a meeting with her old mate Sandra and Neva, who help her come to terms with her identity.
She expresses her concern for failing marriage, her future aspirations, and about the countryside she is traversing with her colleague Archer. Meanwhile, assistant Cheryl is supposed to look after an intern, who, while attempting to deduce solutions to the issues faced by others because of Cheryl, ends up facing the results of her actions.
The 5th episode, Shots, which Matt Roller writes, will comprise sex, drugs, and monster trucks! – as stated by the episode’s introduction. The episode will show Archer and his teammates commemorating the almost success of a mission. A lot of comedy, laughter, and unexpected chaos is anticipated from the upcoming episode where Archer is assumed to be the center of all the drama that would follow. It will be delightful to watch how the story unfolds!!