One of the most popular animated series is Attack on Titan has returned for its fourth and final season. With its amazing action sequences, attack on Titan or Shingeki no Kyojin can transform a non-anime head into an anime head. Its massive popularity over the years has made it emerge as one of the pioneer shows of the anime genre.
Directed by Tetsurou Araki and produced by Wit Studio, AOT is an adaptation of the award-winning manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Attack on Titan follows the story of Eren Jagger with the Survey Corps as they try to figure out the origin story of the Titans, all the while trying to fight against them.
The show returned to its original network channel with its 4th season on December 9. Here’s all that has happened in the last episode. Episode 20 ended with Eren revealing that he had been brainwashing his father to kill the Reiss family and the Founding Titan’s powers.
Where can You Watch It?
New episodes of AOT premieres every Sunday afternoon on Hulu and Netflix Japan. In addition, it is selectively available on Funimation and Crunchyroll. So if you want a dubbed version, you can head to Funimation, but if you want the feel of thr original language with subtitles, Churchyroll it is.
What to Know Before Watching?
Episode 21 marks the beginning of the Rumbling. The episode titled “From You, 2000 Years Ago” would be a look into my Ymir Fritz’s memories and how she got the powers of Finding Titan’s powers. It will also be disclosed that Ymir was kept as an enslaved person by Karl Fritz. Karl forced Ymir to fight battles for him and later also forced her to bear children for him. They have 3 children Maria, Sheena, and Rose.
After the passing away of their mother, Karl force-fed their children their mother’s body so that the Founding Titan’s powers keep circulating within the generations. Emer, meanwhile, gets through to Ymir, telling her that she doesn’t have to be enslaved by anyone. Hearing this, Ymir lends her powers to Emer, causing the Colossal Wall Titans to start rumbling. Emer now can use the full powers of the Founding Titan.
When will Episode 21 Release?
Episode 21 will release for Japan and Indian on February 7 at 12:05 AM and 2 AM IST, respectively.
How Many Episodes will this Season Contain?
Part 2 of the season finale is said to have 12 episodes which started airing on January 9 for 23 min each. So if you’re a resident of the UK or US or any other European country, you’ll get to see it at 12:45 PM PST/3:45 PM EST/8:45 PM GMT.
The voice of Eren, Gabi, and Falco is played by Yûki Kaji, Ayane Sakura, and Natsuki Haane, respectively. Bryce Papenbrook does the voiceovers for both Eren and Falco in the English dub, while Lidsay Seidel does the English dub for Gabi.