Created as an animated show (2005-2008), Avatar: The Last Airbender will finally be a live-action. The original animated series had three seasons with 20 episodes per season. The animated show heavily presented characters of Asian origin with features of manipulation of elements and martial arts that are generally associated with Asian culture. The upcoming live-action, produced by Netflix, is an adventure fantasy television show.
The live-action version of the show will hopefully follow its animated predecessor and; it will be a retelling of the journey of the titular Airbender, Aang. Albert Kim is the writer and showrunner of the series after Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko left.
Release of Avatar: The Last Airbender
The streaming platform Netflix first announced the plan for the show in 2018. Due to numerous delays and the Covid-19 pandemic, the production was put off many times by the streaming service. The live-action of the series is still in development and will probably continue till mid-2022. So, the chances of the show’s release in 2022 are extremely less.
However, the hardcore fans of the animated series are very excited to see what Netflix’s series brings to the table. It is speculated that Netflix would probably announce the release dates in the latter part of 2022.
Plot Speculation of Avatar: The Last Airbender
Set in the fantastical worlds of the Four Nations, Avatar: The Last Airbender is the story of Aang and his friends. They come together to defeat the Fire Lord Ozai while also ending the disastrous war with Fire Nation. Each element represents a nation. These nations nurture the elemental manipulators known as ‘benders.’
In the time before the series’ setting, the Fire Nation attacked the three remaining nations while killing the ‘benders’ of the respective lands. The live-action is expected to follow the same storyline and script with minor tweaks. Netflix is keeping all the fans of the animated show on their toes as no one knows what the story will be.
The Cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender
According to a leaked source in August 2021, Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio Tarbell, Ian Ousley, and Dallas Liu will star in the live-action series of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Deadline reported in November 2021 that Daniel Dae Kim, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Lim Kay Siu, and Ken Leung would be the new faces that will join the already announced cast.
The animated series’ writers Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko were the showrunners for the live-action. Due to creative differences, the duo left the show. Albert Kim replaced DiMartino and Konietzko as the show’s creators. Dan Lin will act as the executive producer.
Where to Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender?
The upcoming show is still in production, so the viewers might have to wait. However, the show is a Netflix original and will definitely release on Netflix. But if you cannot wait for the live-action and want to know what it will be about, you can stream the animated series on Netflix.
Public Opinion of Avatar: The Last Airbender
The live-action show is yet to come out. The fans love the animated series; therefore, it still has a religious following. The animated Avatar had an IMDb rating of 9.3, which is pretty impressive for an animated show.