The show “Back to 15” will draw close relation with hit comedy 2004, “Thirteengoing on 30” and “Freaky Friday?”. The approaching Netflix series is coming to the platform very soon, as a manner to be paying homage to Jennifer Garner’s film. The show “Back to 15” is a Brazilian comedy TV series produced by Janaina Tokitaka.
The show is primarily based on Bruna Vieira’s novel having the same title as that of the show. The series is co-directed through the usage of Vivi Jundi and Dainara Toffoli.
There will be the introduction of new series and films at Netflix in February 2022 related to teens.
However “Back to 15” will be the quality launch of the season. We will let you know the entirety, of what you want to know in advance before looking at the Brazilian show, about its characters, release date, and synopsis. Therefore, keep looking at the article so that you can grab all the information you need before watching the most awaited show on Netflix in 2022.
A number of series and movies are coming to grips this February on Netflix, collectively with Inventing Anna, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Madea Homecoming, Sweet Magnolias Season 2, and masses others.
Release Date
The trailer was out on January 31, 2022. The Brazilian series will air on Netflix on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m.ET. The number of episodes in this series continues to be the subject of debate as it is still unclear. But as far as we know, there will be a total of 6 episodes in the season. The show will launch in the Portuguese language with subtitles so that non- Portuguese people can also binge-watch the show.
The completelist of characters is, Maisa Silva as Anita, Amanda Azevedo as Luiza, Mariana Rios as Luiza the elder, Bruno Montaleone as Fabrício, Caio Cabral as Henrique, Luciana Braga as Vânia, Antonio Carrara as Joel, Gabriel Stauffer as elder Joel, Pedro Vinicius as Cesar, Gabriel Wiedemann as Eduardo, Paulo Mucheroni, Lucca Picon as Douglas, Camila Queiroz as elder Anita Klara Castanho as Carol, Yana Sardenberg as Carol Carol, João Guilherme as Fabrício.
Synopsis “Back to fifteen”
The description of the show on Netflix reads as “De Volta Aos 15”. The tale of the collection revolves around a 30-year-old girl named Anita and her discovery, who by chance placed back to the past. WhenAnita wakes up, she is a 15-year-old girl, and she attempts to resolve problems in people’s life.
In this show, the lead Maisa had high expectations in her youthful age. However, her 30’s life turn out to be the opposite of what she expected it to be. Her goals in her teens like leaving her homeland, traveling, and meeting new humans faded as she hit her 30s.
In the trailer of the show, Anita the main character is shown attending a wedding and she was asked if her life going according to her wishes and plans? Then she turns into a 15-year-old and tries to correct mistakes of her past.