Baptiste is a British Psychological and Mystery Thriller directed by Harry and Jack Williams, first broadcast on BBC One in February 2019. The thriller series revolves around the character of Julien Baptiste, played by Tcheky Karyo, who happens to be one of the key characters of The Missing. The story revolves around how Baptiste feels that he has lost his old charm after being diagnosed with a brain tumor.
His former boss persuades him to look into a missing case of a 15-year-old sex worker from Amsterdam, and while solving the mystery, he comes across various shocking twists and turns. The makers have managed to keep the audience hooked for the first season and are now back with the 2nd season, which aired on BBC 1 on August 18.
When is it Releasing?
Baptiste season 2 is released on BBC 1 on August 18, 2021, with the season finale being aired on August 22, 2021. Season 1 of Baptiste had also been aired on BBC one in Britain while it was aired on the PBS in the United States of America. The fact that Season 2 is already released on BBC One, there is no official confirmation regarding the release of Baptiste season 2 on PBC in the United States. In addition, no release on OTT platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video has been confirmed yet.
Expected Cast and Plot
The second season of Baptiste shows a significant turn of events in the detective’s life, as confirmed by Tcheky Karyo, who admitted that Detective Baptiste’s character is overwhelmed by specific events and drowns himself in an interview in drinking and often loses his temper. The fans can expect lots of nail-biting twists and turns and thrillers when Julian returns to work after the entire family of British Ambassador Emma Chambers’ whole family disappears suddenly.
With a high-profile international case drawing all of the media’s attention, Baptiste faces several challenges in his quest to solve the mystery. It will be interesting to see how Baptiste, despite his personal dilemmas, keeps a rational mind to solve the case. The cast of Baptiste Season 2 will see several new faces, out of which only Tcheky Karyo resumes his role of Detective Julien Baptiste.
Killing Eve star Fiona Shaw will also join the cast of Baptiste season 2 and Hollander Jessica, Anastasia Hille Alec, Trystan Gravelle, Raine Clare, and Woodeson. It will be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the audience what such a talented cast has to offer.
Is it Worth Watching?
Baptiste Season 1 received lots of appreciation from the fans who developed a special liking for the character of Julian Baptiste and had a huge fan base, especially in the United Kingdom. The makers are back with a season 2, which has already been released on BBC One and has received positive responses so far. The series has kept the audience hooked with its thrilling storyline full of mysteries, actions, drama, and thriller aspects and is definitely a must-watch.