The American reality show Below Deck Mediterranean is a spin-off of another show that was released on the same network by the name Below Deck. It premiered its first season in Greece on May 16, 2016. The executive producers concerned with the show are Nadine Rajabi, Mark Cronin, and Courtland Cox. 51 Minds Entertainment is the production company behind the making.
The show showcases the journey across the Mediterranean of a new boat, a 150-foot yacht, with all the new crew members and a fresh location in each season. In every episode, many passengers board the ship, which further poses challenges to the crew. The current season sees “Lady Michelle” as a 180-foot yacht that will head to Sibenik. The sixth season of the reality show got telecasted on June 28 this year.
Who are All there in Season 6 of Below Deck Mediterranean?
- Sandy Yawn as the captain
- Katie Flood as Chief Stewardess
- Mathew Shea as Chef
- Malia White as Bosun
- Courtney Veale, Delaney Evans, and Lexi Wilson as Stewardess
- David Pascoe, Mzi “Zee” Dempers, and Lloyd Spencer as Deckhand
Below is the detail of all the updates you need to know about the upcoming episode of Below Deck Mediterranean season 6.
Recap of Episode 13 of Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6
‘A Hard Day’s Night’ episode 13 showcased a massive quarrel between Mathew and Lexi, which spoiled their dinner. Courtney warned them to behave appropriately. Capt Sandy came to know about the matter and decided to take matters into her hands the subsequent day. She talked to both of them, and Mathew was told to behave nicely and respect his job.
The captain also learned about the injury of Dave, which caused him to inflict a scar on his thigh. Since the matter wasn’t reported to Sandy, she was disappointed with Maila. On the other hand, since Delaney has left, thus leaving Katie to decide to manage things alone. She chooses to manage the extra burden on herself.
What to Expect from Episode 14 of Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6?
The upcoming episode has the title ‘All I Need is a Miracle.’ It will see the arrival of new guests on Lady Michelle whose duty to serve them good services will be on the crew. To make things work smoothly, Capt Sandy will take the guests for dinner, thus making sure everything is under control. This will enable Mathew to make sure the dinner is well enough to make his credits in front of the captain. Malia is tensed about the burden of a lot of work that could be a heavy price for the crew members.
When will Episode 14 of Below Deck Mediterranean Season 6 be Released?
The 14th episode of season 6 of Below Deck Mediterranean will air on the Bravo television channel at 9.00 pm Eastern Time on Monday, September 27, 2021. The episode will be around 1 hour long. However, the episode can also be viewed on the official website of Bravo.