Better Call Saul is among the popular American crime thriller series directed by Vince Gilligan. This show is a spin-off and prequel to the famous show Breaking bad, which is directed along with the famous director Peter Gauld. Due to the pandemic, the shooting was delayed, and then it was further delayed as one of the main cast of the show got a heart attack and had to be transferred to the hospital.
Thankfully, he is recovered and back on the shooting. The show makers have already announced the release of season 6 officially, also making it the final season of the wonderful series. Here is all you need to know about the final season of the show Better Call Saul.
About the Show
Better Call Saul follows the adventurous life of Saul Goodman, a poor criminal defense lawyer. It has given Saul’s unique persona a great concept along with amazing character development. The showrunner announced that this season would be the series’ final season. He also mentioned that this season would include around thirteen episodes instead of the normal 10.
There will be 63 episodes in all, which will be more than the Breaking Bad show. Although there is no trailer released for season 6, we expect an early teaser to be released around March 2022.
Season 6 Release Date
Although the producers have announced no exact release date yet, they have officially announced the season 6 release to the fans. AMC has renewed the series for the sixth season, and the shooting for the same is also going on currently. The shooting was delayed in April this year due to Bob’s heart attack on the set.
Now that he has recovered and is in good health, the shooting has started along with other casts. It’s expected that AMC would be announcing the release date of season 6 in January or March. Therefore, season 6 is expected to be premiered before the end of 2022.
Season 6 Cast
Season 6 includes most of the original casts with some new characters. Of course, to fans’ delight Bob Odenkirk is recovered and has come back once again to season 6, portraying everyone’s favorite Sau Goodman. We are also expecting Waxler to return to the show’s next season. We will continue seeing Jonathan portraying the role of Mike Ehrmantraut in the series.
Giancarlo Esposito will continue as Gus Fring along with Patrick, who will be playing the character of Howard Hamlin. All the casts of the series are very talented and deliver amazing performances for the fans in the show.
Where to Watch Season 6 of this Series?
You can watch and enjoy Better Call Saul season 6 on various platforms. All the previous seasons and episodes of this thriller series are available to stream on Netflix and Amazon Prime with subtitles on standard quality. You can enjoy the show live and the premiere of season 6 on the AMC platform with the subscription.
If you don’t have a subscription, you watch the show will have a free trial if you haven’t used that yet. The series is also available on Fubo Tv, Philo, and Sling Tv for international fans.