The American comedy-drama television series premiered first on September 8th, 2016. The series did so well that it recently is renewed for a fifth and final season. The final season started to air on February 28th, 2022. The series follows a divorced mother who is an actress who raises her three daughters on her own. With the first two episodes out, the fans are excited to find out what happens in the next episode. Let us see when the episode will release and what you should know before watching it.
Release Date and Where to Watch
The first two episodes of season 5 were out on February 28. According to the official release schedule, the 3rd episode will be on out 7th March 2022. The rest of the episodes will drop on a weekly basis giving the season a total of 10 episodes.
The series can be watched on FX and streamed on their site. The current and the previous seasons of the show can also be streamed on YouTube TV, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
Overview of the First Two Episodes
Both the episodes were released on the same day. In the first episode, we see Sam going back to her acting career after her ill relations with the director. The episode revolves around the difficulties she faces balancing her career and personal life.
She struggles to manage her three teenage daughters and her career. She considers to leaver her acting career as she was mostly given characters she couldn’t relate to. Her search for her family history also bears fruit as there are new revelations.
In the second episode, we see Sam losing track of time trying to manage her house and her professional life. In this season we will probably see her exploring more of what makes her happy. With the title mentioning her making choices, we will only know about the choices she makes once by watching the episode. But we all know how Sam is and it will surely keep the viewers interested in her personality.
What The Final Season Will be About
We see various transitions taking place in the show. Sam runs into financial difficulties. She should also make the decision to whether continue her job or leave it. Max has to go through choices that will push her towards maturity.
Frankie continues with her part-time job after graduating early. Her feelings towards Max are still uncertain. The 13-year-old Duke has now entered her teenage life. She faces new problems as an everyday teenager. Phil is seen undermining Sam’s relationship with her daughters even more than before.
With everything going on, the show follows the way that we live in the past, present, and future. We see the characters going deep into their own lives. With the show doing so well with the past seasons, it has surely been a pleasure to watch it. Knowing Pamela Adlon, we are surely going to see a perfect and well-fit ending for the show in the 5th season of Better Things.
Pamela Adlon is Sam Fox who is a single mother. Mikey Madison as Max Fox, Hannah Alligood as Frankie Fox, and Olivia Edward as Duke fox who are the three daughters of Sam. Celia Imrie is Phil Darby who is also Sam’s British mother. Kevin Pollack is Marion who is Sam’s brother.