Big Brother 23 is the twenty-third installment for a famous American reality television franchise called Big Brother. Big Brother 23 features a group of contestants known as HouseGuests, who live in a house together under the camera, which does its job of consistently filming all the events going on inside the house. After that, the events happening inside the house is been broadcasted to the world outside.
Each week, the HouseGuests living inside the house get a series of tasks and challenges, and audiences can decide who will be more inside the house and who will get out from the house. And with elimination going on for weeks, at last, there will be two guests remaining who are the finalist for the entire show and considered as the winner for the performance! The winners of the show get a grand prize of $750,000.
CBS gave the Big Brother franchise the green signal for a new season on October 28, last year, which was a day after the previous season concluded. Also, it was confirmed that Julie Chen Moonves would be returning as the host for the new season. If you are one of the fans waiting for the new season, then check out this post, as here we have covered the latest updates for the upcoming 35th episode for Big Brother Season 23.
Big Brother Season 23 Episode 35 – When will it Release?
The Big Brother franchise was started airing back in the year of 2000. After its release, the show received a positive response from the audience, and also the franchise gained a lot of numbers fans and also its show which has been running successfully since more than two decades!
The good news we have for Big Brother fans is that finally, the release date for the show’s Season 23 Episode 35 has been confirmed! The release set for the 35th episode is on September 24, this year! So, be ready with your Fox subscription to watch the new episodes for the show.
Who will Participate in Big Brother 23 Season 35?
The constants for Big Brother 23 Season 35 are speculated to include Alyssa Lopez (contestant), Azah Awasum (contestant), Brent Champagne (contestant), Britini D’Angelo (contestant), Christian Birkenberger (contestant), Christie Valdiserri (contestant), Derek Frazier (contestant), Xavier Prather (contestant), Whitney Williams (contestant), Derek Xiao (contestant), and Brandon “Frenchie” French (contestant).
Kyland Young (contestant), Sarah Steagall (contestant), Tiffany Mitchell (contestant), Travis Long (contestant). The confirmed update we have is that again, and we will get to see Julie Chen return as the host for the new episodes.
Where to Watch?
As part of their massive Viacom family, CBS has taken the live feeds and old All Access streaming platform into Paramount+ so that you can watch the new episodes and even the entire Big Brother franchise on the Paramount+ platform. Also, you can avail to watch other popular CBS shows on the platform as well.