Big Brother (also known as BB23) is an American reality television show by CBS. Rich Meehan and Allison Grodner produced the show. In this show, a group of people (or contestants) are called in a house of Los Angeles as House Guests. They are not allowed to quit in between or contact the outside world and are observed 24/7 by a camera. Even they can’t read the newspaper, listen to the radio or use Mobile Phones.
A small portable CD player is given only to the head of the house. The head of the house is given special treatment. Every day brings in a new challenge for them and giving them tough competition. Every week House Guest is given some task, and viewers can vote and decide who should continue and who should be eliminated. This elimination continued till last week, and when finally two contestants were left, the Jury of the previous House Guest decided the winner among those two.
The winner is awarded a grad cash price of $750,000. All the events which happen inside this house are broadcast to the outside world. CBS reality shows Big Brother started airing in 2000. This show has always received a positive response and won the hearts of their fans since season 1. The most interesting part of the show is its competition among the contestants. As the number of contestants decreases, the task becomes more challenging, making the show more interesting.
At times the show faces negative remarks because of the misbehavior of some of its contestants. If you are looking for updates about its upcoming episode, then you are at the right place.
What is the Show About?
In Big Brother, a group of people (or contestants) are called in a house of Los Angeles as HouseGuests. They are not allowed to quit in between or make any contact with the outside world and are observed 24/ 7 by a camera. Even they can’t read the newspaper, listen to the radio or use Mobile Phones. A small portable CD player is given only to the head of the house. The head of the house is given special treatment.
Every day brings in a new challenge for them and giving them tough competition. Every week HouseGuest is given some task, viewers can vote and decide who should continue and who should be eliminated. This elimination continues till last week and when finally two contestants are left, the Jury of the previous HouseGuest decides the winner among those two. The winner is awarded a grad cash price of $750,000. All the events which happen inside this house are broadcast to the outside world. If you are looking for updates about its upcoming episode, then you are at the right place. Here is everything you need to know about season 23 episode 36.
Expected Release Date and Where to Watch
CBS announced the renewal of Big Brother season 23 on October 28, 2020, after its season 22 concluded. And confirmed Julie Chen Moonves to again return as a host for season 23. This season might get only 37 episodes till any further news. Episode 1 premiered on July 7, 2021, and new episodes are aired every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Episode 36 is confirmed to be released by CBS on September 26, 2021.
The show will be aired on CBS and on its official website and CBS app. In addition, the show will also be aired on Fubo TV, Paramount+, Pluto TV, YouTube TV, Global TV, and on DirecTV. You can also watch the episode on rent or buy it on websites like Google Play, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Microsoft Store, and on Vudu.
Expected Contestants
Expected House Guest who will be seen in Big Brother Season 23 Episode 36 are:-
- Julie Chen Moonves will again be seen as the host
- Travis Long as a contestant
- Brandon ”Frenchie” French as a contestant
- Brent Champagne as a contestant
- Whitney Williams as a contestant
- Christian Birkenberger as a contestant
- Britini D’Angelo as contestant
- Derel Xiao as contestant
- Sarah Beth Steagall as a contestant
- Claire Rehfuss as a contestant
- Alyssa Lopez as a contestant
- Tiffany Mitchell as a contestant
- Hannah Chaddha as a contestant
- Kyland Young as a contestant
- Azah Awasum as contestant
- Derek Frazier as a contestant
- Xavier Prather as contestant