Big Mouth is an American coming-of-age adult television drama series. The series is directed by Jennifer Frackett, Mark Levin, Nick Kroll, and Andrew Goldberg. The plotline revolves around the teen selves of Andrew Goldberg and Nick Kroll, brought up in New York. The theme revolves around the aspects of sex and human while exploring puberty.
The series was first released in September 2017 and is all set for the release of its fifth season in November of 2021. The series has gained a lot of critical appreciation as well as gained a good response from the audience due to its interesting storyline, which is surely an innovative way for sex education. Netflix made some major announcements regarding Big Mouth season 5 in their Global Fan Event Tudum 2021.
When Is It Releasing?
Big Mouth is one of the audience’s favorite series, and Netflix has officially announced the release date of Big Mouth season 2, which is on November 5, 2021. Netflix released the teaser of The Big Mouth season 5 during their Global Fan Event Tudum that was held on September 25, 2021. Since Big Mouth is a Netflix original series, Big Mouth season 5 will be available for streaming only on Netflix from November 5, 2021, onwards.
Updates From Tudum
Netflix not only announced the official release date for Big Mouth season 5 in Tudum but also shared the teaser of the series. The teaser is in the form of poster art that shows Maurie’s knuckles painted with some fresh ink on both hands that read LOVE and HATE. The poster also depicts the release date, which stands on November 5, 2021. Guest stars for season 5 were also announced that includes Brandon Kyle Goodman, Keke Palmer, and Pamela Anderson.
Big Mouth Cast And Plot Synopsis
Even though the fans were awaiting some more announcements regarding the plot and cast of Big Mouth season 5 in Tudum, Netflix has made sure to be tight-lipped about it and only released the teaser poster along with the announcement of the release date at the fan event. Netflix hasn’t announced officially yet that who will be there in the cast of Big Mouth season 5, but the main characters of Nick Kroll, Fred Armisen, Maya Rudolph, John Mulaney, and Jordan Peelle might return as the main attractions of Big Mouth season 5.
However, actress Jenny Slate who voiced the character of Missy, is being replaced by the African American actress Ayo Edibiri who will be fully taking over the voicing for Missy in season 5. On the other hand, Netflix hasn’t released any information on the plot as well, but one can be sure of a good laugh across the season.
As seen in the previous four episodes, the content is wickedly funny, and the fans can expect the same in season 5 of Big Mouth. The fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the Big Mouth season 5 trailer to get a sneak peek into the much-awaited series.