Big Sky is a crime thriller, originally based on the C.J.Box Highway book series. The starting season was created by David E Kelly, unlike the latest one, which will have Elwood Reid taking over as the showrunner from the former. However, Kelly will continue to work as an executive producer.
The show revolves around two detectives Cassie Dewell and Cody Hoyt, who, in collaboration with Jenny Hoyt, who happens to be Cody’s ex-wife and also an ex-cop, are on a mission to find the kidnapped sisters in Montana by a truck driver. But as the case progresses, they come to realize that more girls have gone missing from the Montana region.
The first season was premiered in November last year and became a hit among viewers. It was a total of 16 episodes season that featured on ABC. The new installment is expected to maintain fans’ curiosity on similar lines as the former by ensuring more action, thrill, and mystery. Let’s have a glance at what all we didn’t know about the latest edition.
Big Sky Season 2 Release Date Rumors
The action and suspense lovers can finally expect this thrilling piece with its second season on 30 September on ABC. It would also be available after that on Star on Disney+, including the UK. However, there hasn’t been any confirmation on the duration and the number of episodes, but it can be assumed that, like season one, it can have 45 minute long episodes. But as of now, it’s just a prediction, and fans will have to wait for the official announcement.
Cast for Season 2
Unlike Cody Hoyt (Ryan Philippe), who died in the first installment, others who we can expect to return in round two are- Katheryn Winnick in the role of Jenny Hoyt, Brian Geraghty as Ronald Pergman, Kylie Bunbury essaying the character of Cassie Dewell, Anja Savcic for the role of Scarlet Leyendecker, Jade Pettyjohn as Grace Sullivan, Jesse James Keitel as Jerrie Kennedy, Natalie Alyn Lind portraying the role of Danielle Sullivan, Valarie Mahaffey essaying Helen Pergman, Brooke Smith as Merrilee Legarski and Gage Marsh for Justin Hoyt.
Expected Plotline
Season one of this thriller piece left the audience with many doubts and questions, thus paving the way for its second installment. Jenny’s survival remains a mystery as she was shot in the previous part. Ronald Pergman managed to escape jail and runs away with Scarlet Leyendecker. But Cassie is fully determined to get them caught but gets stuck in her own problems.
There is also the mention of Rick Legarski’s twin brother in the first season, so that more dynamics can be expected on that part too. Thus, the audience should brace itself for some pumped-up suspense, thrill, and action.