This is a police crime drama series that has been entertaining people since 2010. The main characters here are the members of a fictional family, the Reagan family. This is a Catholic family in New York, and this family is known to have ancestors who were engaged in law enforcement. The twelfth season was released on October 1, 2021.
What is the Story About?
The Reagan family who were engaged in law enforcement. Frank Reagan’s father is the police commissioner, and his eldest son, Danny, is the detective. His younger son is Jamie, who is a sergeant, Erin, his daughter, is a district attorney. And he had one more son named Joe, who was murdered. Therefore each member of this family is working for law and is all engaged in legal work. Their story is very different from each other, but then, professionally, the story gets intertwined.
Season 12 Episode 7
In the previous episode, we saw that Danny is suspicious, and he thinks that someone is constantly eyeing him and that he will be murdered soon. Sandra’s case, which was quiet all this while, opens up at the court due to Erin. Janko is summoned to the place where the burglary took place, and he is left astonished. With so many things happening here, we’re sure that episode 7 will also have its own set of astonishing events.
Season 12 Episode 7 Release Date
This episode is all prepared to be released on November 19, 2021. It would be released at the same time as the previous episodes were released at 10 pm. It would be available to watch on CBS. Each week, on Friday, a new episode is released, and thus, this helps in making the weekend very amazing. Each of these episodes has a running time of approximately 45 minutes.
Where can We Watch this Series?
This series will be available to watch on CBS. That too, if you have subscribed for CBS, only then. But if you like watching online, then various other platforms might seem helpful to you, such as the official website of CBS or paramount+. It can also be watched on various other TV options such as Hulu+live, YouTube TV, DirecTV, etc.
What can We Expect from this Episode?
This episode is titled ‘USA Today.’ And this would be a real test of patience for Danny and Baez as they would be working together against all odds. They would be working for a community that’s completely devoid of cooperation, so that’s why it’s a test for them. The main focus here is the case of a shopkeeper who has been killed.
So they need a lot of help to solve this; if they don’t receive all the help, it would be very difficult to solve the case. Erin will discover that there are certain things that his boss has kept hidden while she gets a very simple case. We hope that you enjoy this episode and wait for more cliffhangers.