Inspired by the manga series in the same name by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Blue Period is the latest Japanese anime television series announced for its creation at the beginning of this year in January. Directed by Koji Masunari and Katsuya Asano, the series has been adapted by Seven Arcs which got released in Japan on October 2 on Super Animeism block on TBS, MBS, and various other channels and from October 9, on Netflix for global viewers.
The scripts have come from Reiko Yoshida, while Tomoyuki Shitaya has managed the designing of the characters. Music for the series is Ippei Inoue, while the opening track EVER BLUE is being performed by Omoinotake, and Mol-74 has sung the concluding music track REPLICA.
What is the Story of the Blue Period?
The story of Blue Period revolves around a boy maned Yatora Yaguchi, the protagonist who deeply dwells on the idea of painting and devotes himself entirely to it. He aspires to fulfill his career in the field, and the story focuses on his journey to achieve his dreams.
Previously on Blue Period
The initial episode of Blue Period titled Awakening to the Joy of Painting showcased the protagonist Yatora being unhappy despite getting good grades at school and being with his pals. But one day, everything changes after he watches a painting made by his senior Maru Mori and instantly falls in love with the concept of art.
He then paints Shibuya in blue version, begins to think about the career prospects in art, and considers going to Tokyo University of Arts to fulfill his aspirations.
What can be Expected from Episode 2 of Blue Period?
The episode 2 of Blue Period, titled He’s Not Tanned At All, will showcase the surprising decision of Yatora to join the art club, thus leaving his teachers in utter shock. However, the art club members, owing to his delinquent reputation, will become careful of him. He will then learn about different aspects of the painting, like how to depict light and shadow in an artwork, measure distance, shapes, and angles using pencil and dessins.
The teacher will be assigning homework to the students of the first and second year, including making solo art, taking pictures, and making a scrapbook. The episode will progress with Yatora discussing his plan to pursue his career in art with his mother. Maru Mori will be seen graduating from the school.
When will Blue Period Episode 2 Air, and Where to Stream it?
The second episode, titled He’s Not Tanned At All of Blue Period, is scheduled to be available for the viewers on Saturday, October 16, 2021. Global viewers on Netflix can enjoy the episode. The episodes are released for global viewers on Netflix who can enjoy the episode cast for worldwide viewership. The Japanese fans can also enjoy the show on Japanese TV a week before they air for the rest of the world.