Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is one of the most famous Japanese manga series written by Ukyo Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto. It is an official continuation of the Naruto franchise. The series illustrates Naruto’s journey of becoming a Hokage, his marriage with Hinata Hyuga, and Boruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki. Boruto, too like his father, wants to lead the new generation of Ninjas.
And thereby continues his journey to become the greatest of all Ninjas and tries to make his name outside his father’s silhouette. The series depicts Boruto’s adventures and journey to become the best and has eventually become one of the best and exhilarating series to date.
Release Date Declared
Chapter 61 of the series will be released from 18th to 19th August 19, 2021, in different nations and times. So fans must check it accordingly. To access the official English chapter, fans need to follow the viz, Mangaplus Website, download the Shonen Jump App, and become a member. In addition, fans can stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook for more updates about Boruto Chapter 61’s story and raw scans.
What to Expect? Oops, Spoiler Alert
The series has attracted many people, and fans can’t wait to watch the upcoming episodes, so few spoiler alerts seem justified, right? These actually will never dishearten a true Boruto fan. So here it goes – Boruto Chapter 61 is rumored to be depicting the story of Amado more. The title is Madness/ Insanity/ Crazy. In this part, Amado says that Kawaki’s affection for Naruto is nothing but sheer madness, and Shikamaru relates it with that of Code’s worship for Otsutki.
Shikadai and Inojin describe the surveillance system of Konoha and are desperate to convince Boruto and Kawaki that getting away from Konoha’s sensory team is next to impossible. To do so, they need to eradicate or temporarily hide their chakra, which seems impractical to everyone. Sasuke re-enters in this chapter. Everyone seems agitated and nervous in Konoha. Kawaki enters Uzumaki’s house only to depart soon, making excuses to leave.
It is later discovered that Kawaki has successfully escaped Konoha’s surveillance team using shadow clones at midnight, but Boruto and Eida seem aware of this incident. The escape seems irrelevant to Code, and he further enquires how did he do so. He is both surprised and happy for Kawaki s and his proper use of Otsutsuki’s skill set, which according to Eida, is a part of Kawaki’s natural power. Code, however, seems confused and decides to counter Kawasaki regarding this elopement.
Kawaki is seen going somewhere, but no one knows where and this seems to be a perfect opportunity for Code to seize him. Thus the tracking of Kawaki begins, and it can be sensed that a big fight is on its way. The story cannot be fully confirmed until the chapter gets released, so fans may try to add more and predict more. Till then, stay connected for more updates and fresh chapters.