A gripping storyline is keeping viewers watching Bright As The Moon, the current Chinese romantic fantasy drama. The season of the series is comprised of forty episodes directed by Ren Hai Tao and Guo Hu. In total, about half of the episodes have been successfully released since the show debuted on October 4, 2021. Its finale will take place on November 9, 2021. The Anarchic Consort of the Prince is an interpretation of Qing’s composition.
Release dates for “Bright as the moon” episodes 25 and 26 have been announced. Chinese drama fans are eagerly awaiting the storyline. It is frustrating to have to wait days for a new episode. However, it is getting closer to its conclusion. In 2021, episode 1 of “Bright as the moon” came out. Afterward, the emperor was revealed to be the real villain. Moreover, Yun Qian Yue and Rong Jing appear to be infatuated.
About the Show
There have been successive releases of episodes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 of “Bright as the moon.” Episodes 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 were released from October 18-20, 2021. This truly blessed our lives. Each day brought a new episode. Moreover, Rong Jing and Yun Qian Yue have both developed extraordinary characters. From being an arrogant illiterate, the princess became a fearless protector of her family.
In addition, Rong becomes friendlier. Yun Qian always makes him happy. This implies that he is experiencing less pain as a result of being controlled by the imperial family. We will discuss what happened in the last episode of “Bright as the moon” episode 25 and the release date. Find out everything by reading on.
Episodes 25 and 26 of “Bright as the Moon” are Scheduled for Release
It has been a roller coaster ride up and down until now. There have been tears, tears of joy, and laughter. What is the release date of the new episode? Let’s continue the journey together. Both the episodes will release on October 25 this year. On the same day, episode 26 of “Bright as the moon” will be released, and episode 25 will be released before that. The series has already had 24 episodes released, in case you have not started watching. Online streaming is also available. This will be the last episode of “Bright as the moon.”
Episodes 25 and 26 of “Bright as the Moon” can be Viewed Where?
On the official Youku broadcasting website, you can also check the release date for “Bright as the moon” episodes 25 and 26. Residents of China can use the service. Residents of other countries can watch the drama on Youku.
The app can be is available from Google Play. You can still watch “Bright as the moon” even if you don’t reside in China as long as you check if the app is available in your country. Please download the app if this is the case and select either VIP or Non-VIP subscription. Now you can enjoy watching your favorite drama.
What Happened Previously, “Bright as the Moon”
Several princes and princesses are involved in the show. Nevertheless, it is not a normal romance. Reincarnation and memory loss are central themes in the drama. Her eldest daughter is Yun Qian Yue, the princess of Yun manor. Various rumors suggest she is illiterate, arrogant, and joyful. Prince Rong Jing, however, is the owner of the Rong manor and the prince of his inheritance. As well, he has no choice. The imperial family controls his inheritance.
Princess Yun Qian Yue falls in love with Rong Jing later on in the story. Consequently, she is not interested in marrying into the imperial family. So, being arrogant and illiterate, she decided to spread information about herself. The story takes a turn. Qian Yun and Rong become lovers. Unfortunately, they have an enemy to contend with. Ye Qing Ran is their enemy. Ying Qing Ran is deeply in love with Yun Qian, so he wishes to keep her close to him.
Yun Qian activates the phoenix flight when she decides to bring a cure to Rong, who is extremely sick. Furthermore, she is unconcerned about the consequences of her actions because she loves Rong so much. However, because he is insecure with the empowerment, he poisons Yun Qian with a life and deathlock heart poison. Yun Qian is completely wiped out. However, she keeps remembering her true love.
Watch as the guardian of Qin Yu Ning breaks into Rong Jing’s room while he sleeps. In the evening, Qin Yu Ning wakes up in his room, hoping that he will believe they have slept together when he wakes up in the morning. The subsequent dawn, she realizes she was in the same position as Ye Qing Ran, rather than Rong Jing. A lot of chaos and drama is caused because of this.
Afterward, Qing Ran discovers Qin Yu Ning listening to Tuoba Ye Qian’s talk with Yu Ning as she comes out of the emperor’s room. By offering her a deal, he does not force or imprison her. Rong Jing’s rejection led to the agreement that would help her revenge on him. Can the arrangements be made? We’ll find out in the next episode.