Bull is an American legal television drama series that was first released on September 20, 2016. The series is directed by Phil McGraw and Paul Attanasio and stars Michael Weatherley in the lead role. The plotline revolves around the Trial Analysis Corporation’s employees and the head of the firm Dr. Jason Bull, who happens to be a trial science expert and psychologist.
Bull and his team work on selecting jurors for their clients and also decide on the argument that will work in their client’s favor. The series has been on the air for the last 6 seasons and season 6 is currently on air on CBS since October 7, 2021. Bull Season 6 Episode 6 is all set to release on November 11. It will be interesting to see what the makers have in store for the audience in the upcoming episodes.
When is it Releasing?
As per the official announcement by CBS, Bull season 6 episode 6 is all set to release on November 11, 2021. As of now, there are no changes in the scheduled release of the episode.
Where to Watch Episode 8?
Bull season 6 episode 6 is released on November 11, 2021, on CBS, which is the official broadcasting network of the series. The series can also be viewed on CBS App and CBS Website for those who want to stream the series online. Whether or not the series is available for streaming on any other digital streaming platform is not known yet.
Plot Speculations of Season 6 Episode 6
The plotline revolves around the Trial Analysis Corporation’s employees and the head of the firm Dr. Jason Bull, who happens to be a trial science expert and psychologist. Bull and his team work on selecting jurors for their clients and also decide on the argument that will work in their client’s favor. Bull Season 6 Episode 6 is titled ‘Better Angels’. Since there is no official synopsis out yet, the episode might focus on the hard times that Bull and his colleagues face due to his arrest.
Marissa and Chunk are expected to win their recent lawsuit against a businessman. Bull is not much happy with the realization that his colleagues have to represent him. However, his colleagues have started trusting him again. On the other hand, Bull seems not to have recovered from the abduction of his daughter, and some aftermath of it might be seen in the episode.
What Happened in the Previous Episode?
Bull season 6, episode 5 is titled ‘King Bull.’ The episode shows Bull meeting with Donaldson, a renowned businessman, and Chunk is responsible for handling both the men. However, Donaldson is complex in his own ways, and the team realizes they need Bull for the case. However, Bull and his expertise helped the team to solve the complicated case.