Chicago Med is an American television medical drama series that was first aired in the year 2005 on NBC. The show was originally created by Matt Olmstead and Dick Wolf. The plotline of Chicago Med revolves around the lives of the nurses and doctors who work at the fictional Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre. The show has been running successfully for the last 6 seasons, and the 7th season has already been released on September 22, 2021.
The first episode of the 7th season, titled ‘You Can’t Always Trust What You See,’ will be airing on 22nd September, followed by the release of the second episode, which is titled ‘To Lean In, or To Let go.’ The show, after its release on NBC in 2005, was re-released on Netflix, and one can watch the previous seasons on Netflix.
The show’s rating is higher than Grey’s Anatomy, even though it has been criticized for fallacies quite a number of times. Season 7 will be released on NBC, followed by a release on Netflix. With the first episode already hitting the screens, it’s time for the second episode of season 7 of Chicago Med will be aired on 29th September 2021.
Where to Watch?
As of now, season 7 of Chicago Med will premiere on NBC on 22nd September 2021 with the first episode. This will be followed by the release of the second episode of season 7 on September 29, 2021. The series will air on NBC as of now, and it can be viewed exclusively on NBC only. There has been no official confirmation regarding when Season 7 of Chicago Med will release on Netflix as season 6 is also waiting for a Netflix release.
Season 7 Episode 2 Plot and Cast
The plotline of Chicago Med revolves around the lives of the nurses and doctors who work at the fictional Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre. Season 7 Episode 2 will release on September 29, 2021, and the official info on the episode states that Vanessa and Archer disagree on the way in which both of them want to handle the motorcycle accident case.
On the other hand, it will be seen that Scott and Charles seem to make a deal with a negotiator from UNICEF who has repressed trauma. Other doctors Hammer and Halstead, have to deal with a clingy mother of a child while treating the child who is diagnosed with Addison’s disease. It will be interesting to know what else the makers have in store for the fans.
The cast of Chicago Med season 7 consists of Nick Gehlfuss, who plays the character of Dr. Hamstead, Steven Weber, who plays the character of Dr. Archer, Oliver Platt, who plays the character of Dr. Charles, Kristen Hager, who plays the character of Dr. Hammer, Guy Lockard who plays the character of Dr. Scott along with some recurring characters. As the second episode is all set to release, the fans surely can’t wait to watch their favorite medical drama.