Code Geass is an action thriller that subtly touches upon the themes of political conflict, vengeance, and self-development while maintaining a blend of soft emotional elements in the series. It revolves around Lelouch, the exiled prince of Britannia, who takes up another identity as he leaves his kingdom and starts leading a life of a regular school student. He, along with his sister, who became blind and lost the ability to walk after witnessing her mother’s brutal murder, create a world of their own far from their kingdom.
They settle in Japan, where Lelouch befriends Suzaku and tells him about bringing the Britannian empire to its fall. Later one day, when Lelouch decides to skip school to play chess and gamble on himself, he comes across the Britannian force that had held an immortal young witch as a fugitive. The witch gifts Lelouch with the power of Geass, which gives him the ability to make anybody obey his orders. It is believed that Geass manifests differently in each individual, particularly depending upon an individual’s inner desires and personality traits.
By choosing Suzaku as his companion, Lelouch soon becomes ‘Zero,’ the leader who strives to conquer and render Britannia into ruins forever. The third season is likely to portray Lelouch struggling to bring down Britannia while fighting his emotional setbacks, thus building upon the foundations in the first two seasons.
Expected Release Date
Code Geass, an action-packed classic anime of the 2000s, had indeed left an imprint on its fans. Its uniquely designed storyline that subtly juggled between the political and emotional scenarios of the life of stakeholders back at the beginning of the modern era is what intrigued its viewers the most.
It had two seasons officially. It was only in 2019 that an OVA called Akitothe exiled was released. In 2019, an original Code Geass movie was released called Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection. It sparked the demand for Season 3 once again among fans. Though the chances of another season stood bleak, the viewers of this series were waiting for official announcements on the release of its third season. The chances are that if another season is to be premiered, the official word would be out in the latter half of 2021.
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The series had 25 episodes each season, which was loved deeply by the viewers. The unique setting of this anime made it win a separate fan base among different age groups. Several video games were also designed based on the theme of Code Geass.
The fans were thrilled to have the movie released originally by Code Geass in 2019 and saw the possibility of the series’s premiere of Season 3. Code Geass was a huge success; in no time, it acquired a rating of 9 on IMDb. However, fans are skeptical about the third season’s release, and as much as they want it to be released, they don’t want the producers to over-stretch the storyline.