Cruel Summer is a famous American teen thriller drama of recent times. Set in a fictional town called Skylin in1990s, this series revolves around the lives of two teenage girls and the consequences on the lives of others when one of them gets kidnapped. The episodes alternate between the viewpoints of Jeanette and Kate. Cruel Summer was premiered on Freeform on April 20, 2021, and is all set to welcome its 2nd season soon.
Cruel Summer’s theme is a thriller and teenage drama that has kept the viewers hooked; the upcoming season waits with much excitement. There are several rumours and speculations about Cruel summer’s cast and expected plot, along with the much-awaited release.
Expected Release Date, Cast and Characters
The cast of Cruel Summer is expected to remain more or less the same with:
- Olivia Holt as Kate
- Froy Gutierrez as Jamie Henson
- Chiara Aurelia as Jeanette Turner
- Harley Quinn as Mallory Higgins
- Nathaniel Ashton as Ben
- Brooklyn Sudano as Angela Prescott
- Allius Barnes as Vince Fuller
- Michael Landes as Greg Turner
The second season is also expected to see the arrival of Blake Lee as Martin Harris as a flashback considering the nature of Kate’s trauma. Andrea Anders, as Joy Wallis is expected to return with her secrets being revealed, subsequently marks the arrival of her husband Rod, played by Benjamin J. and her stepdaughter Ashley, played by Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut. In addition, the Turner family consisting of Michael Landes as Greg, Sarah Drew as Cindy and Derek, played by Barrett Carnahan, are expected to return in season 2.
Expected Plot
Season 2 ended with a pretty shocking finale episode, and many questions seem to have arisen in the viewers’ minds. All the answers are expected to unravel themselves in season 2 and unfold several mysteries that one or the other character hides. With season 1 ending with an unexpected cliff-hanger of Kate calling for help in Martin Harris’ house, this could very well mean another thriller and mysterious drama is yet to unfold in season 2.
However, there are rumours about the story being turned into an anthology or cast in a different story. However, with the cliff-hanger ending of season 1, the continuation of the same storyline is evident. Fans are waiting for cues, and several rumours on the cast and storyline are doing rounds as Cruel Summer awaits the release of its 2nd season.
Is Trailer Out?
The trailer of Cruel Summer Season 2 is not out yet; however, as per sources, the series is set to release soon, and the official announcements are to be made in September 2021. Some interviews gave certain sneak peeks into season 2 by the cast and showrunner of Cruel summer. The series will be aired on Freeform in the United States and on Amazon Prime in the UK. The trailer and the series of Cruel Summer can be viewed on these platforms once announced officially.