The Lost Symbol is an action-adventure thriller American drama TV series that is centered on the 2009 novel of the matching name by Dan Brown. This series act as the prequel to the Robert Langdon film series, and Dan Dworkin and Jay Beattie have created it, and the first season will have ten episodes.
Release Date of the Episode
The 9th episode of the drama-thriller series will release on November 11, 2021, at 3:00 AM ET (Eastern Time) on Peacock TV. The creators of this show follow a traditional format of release. That is, instead of releasing every episode on a single date, they prefer to maintain suspense by availing episodes on a weekly basis so that they can keep the audience at the edge of their seats because the audience will be curious about the next episode and they would create a bigger audience.
Plot Speculation for the New Episode
The ninth episode of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol is titled ‘Order Eight.’ In this episode, we get to see that Katherine may realize what Mal’akh did to Isabel, and she felt remorseful for not convincing her mother to keep her company along with Langdon. Langdon and his companions will use the pyramid and capstone they had in their dispense so that they reach the gateway ahead of Mal’akh.
We could also see Sato’s influence, Katherine and Langdon, to cooperate with the CIA. In the intervening time, we will be watching Blake. A former commanding officer is on his way, who is using Mal’akh’s guidance to reach his desired destination. We will also see that Langdon finds out a message written by Isabel for her son, Zachary, who has been alive for a long time without anyone’s notice.
Kathrine persuades her mother to believe that Mal’akh is not her son, and she is something terrible and deadly. Katherine invited Isabel to accompany them, but she declined her invitation, and when Mal’akh discovered their motive, he murdered Isabel.
What Happened in the Last Episode
In the previous episode, we saw that the members of the Leviathan group came to know that Mal’akh got arrested deliberately. Because he knew that the Leviathans would try to break his phone and get information about the pyramid and the cornerstone. However, things went terribly for the Leviathans because the phone released a virus giving Mal’akh access to Leviathan’s internal system.
Where to Watch
The Lost Symbol, created by Dan Brown, is available exclusively on Peacock. This exclusive show on Peacock means that people must be subscribed to the platform to watch the series. The membership fees of the OTT platform start from $4.99 to $9. 99 per month. The $4.99 fees costs per month with advertisements whereas the $9. 99 fees costs per month without any advertisements.
Series on Peacock can be watched on multiple devices such as Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Smart TV, different consoles, and even on a computer. The show is available exclusively on Peacock means that the show will not be available on different OTT platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, and YouTube TV because of the streaming rights; therefore, it is hard to say if this TV series will be available on a different OTT platform.