Dark Desire is a Netflix original Mexican suspense fiction program created by Argos Comunicación. MaitePerroni, Erik Hayser, Alejandro Speitzer, Mara Fernanda Yepes, Regina Pavón, and Jorge Poza feature in the drama. On May 6, 2019, it was revealed that filming would begin and be released on July 15, 2020. The sitcom was revived to complete the final series on August 19, 2020, with a launch date of February 2, 2022.
Season 1 of Dark Desire was also named the most excellent streamed non-English item on Netflix, with 35 million visitors in just one month. This series involves a law lecturer wedded to a court justice who has withheld a lot of information from her. They are Zoe’s parents. Then in the scenes, police follow up.
Season 2 Will Premiere On February 2, 2022
Earlier, there wasn’t much known about its renewal because of the COVID-19 outbreak, which had eventually led to the cancellation of the shooting of many such series and programs, even movies. But now we know season 2 of Dark Desire is set to premiere on Netflix on February 2, 2022.
Where To Watch Dark Desire Season 2?
Because Dark Desire is a Netflix original, the series’s second season will only be available on Netflix.
What To Know Before Watching?
The first season of ‘Dark Desire’ concluded with a heartbreaking catastrophe. Brenda committed suicide, as we discovered. She couldn’t keep canoodling with her dearest friend’s spouse while the guy she genuinely adored was having sexual relations with his sister-in-law.
The repercussions of her death on the relationships of the surviving protagonists, mainly her closest buddy Alma, are likely to be explored in Season 2. Leonardo, Alma’s spouse, was eventually dumped.
Since she’s free once, Dario has an opportunity to get back into her lifestyle. Dario and Esteban are underground following orchestrating the assassination of Jose Luis Valdez. Unfortunately, his destiny is not entirely unknown, as he acquired his grandpa’s money. Does the question arise whether Dario will resurface to Alma and reignite their past romance?
Do We Have A Third Season Of Dark Desire Waiting Up In The Queue Next?
Unfortunately, it is a no. Netflix revealed in a teaser published in September 2021 stated that season 2 of Dark Desire would be the season finale.
Who Is The Cast In Dark Desire Season 2?
MaitePerroni, Alejandro Spitzer, Erik Hauser, and Regina Pavon will all return as Alma Solares, Dario Guerra, Esteban, and Alma’s daughter Zoe, respectively. Since his avatar and Alma broke up, we don’t know if Jorge Poza would return to resume his part as Leonardo.
After the death of her character Brenda in season one, Mara Fernanda Yepes may not return. Leticia López Margalli, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Nayura Aragón and Gennys Pérez, conceived the program. Pedro P. Ybarra and Kenya Márquez directed the series.
Do We Have A Trailer For Dark Desire Season 2?
No, we do not have a trailer available with us. We will update this section if we get to know anything about it.