Inspired by the manga series by Koyoharu Gotouge in the same name, Demon Slayer, also known as Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, is an anime series with its second installment directed by Haruo Sotozaki. The renewal of the Demon slayer for the second episode was done on February 14, 2021. The character designing has been done by Akira Matsushima, while Ufotable produced the animation.
The current will supposedly run in two cours- the first part being Mugen Train Arc upto seven episodes and the second one as Entertainment District Arc post the seven episodes.
What is the Famous Anime Demon Slayer Season all About?
The story of the series focuses on Tanjirou Kamado, the protagonist responsible for being the sole earner of the family post his father’s demise. One usual night returning from work from a nearby village, he realizes that he wouldn’t be able to reach home on time and decides to stay at an unknown place owned by a man who knew his father.
Reaching home the subsequent day, he realizes that his mother and siblings have been killed and the only one alive is his sister, but that too had turned into a blood-eating demon. The story will focus on the revenge of Tanjirou Kamado, who vows to avenge the death of his family and his sister, turning into a monster.
Previously on Demon Slayer Season 2
The Title of the very first episode of the second season of Demon Slayer is Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. It shows the character Rengoku getting involved in the hunt of demons that were responsible for harming civilians. Rengoku then hops on the Mugen train, where he is to be met by trio Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro from the Demon Slayer Organisation. Towards the end, the trains leave the station, thus paving the way for the exciting arc in subsequent episodes.
What can be expected from the Upcoming Episode 2 of Demon Slayer Season 2?
The episodes from the second up till seven will be adapted from the Mugen Train arc, as already confirmed, and will add a new story to what we have earlier seen in the movie. The title of the upcoming episode 2 is- Deep Sleep and will show the plan of Enmu to finish Flame Hashira and young Demon Corps warriors. There can also be the mention of dreams of Demon Slayers. There will be a first-of-its-kind conversation about Hinokami Kagura between Tanjiro and Rengoku.
When to Stream Episode 2 of Demon Slayer Season 2 and Where?
Season 2 of Demon Slayer is highly anticipated, with episodes up till 7 based on Mugen Train Arc and the rest on the Entertainment District arc in December. It can be enjoyed on Funimation and Crunchyroll. The upcoming episode 2 will be aired on Sunday, October 17, 2021. It will be telecast in Japan on networks like Tokyo MX, BS11, GTV, and GYT.
MuseCommunications is responsible for licensing the show for fans in South Asia by making it available on Bilibili, Viu, iQIYI, and WeTV.In Scandinavian countries, Wakanim will stream season 2 of Demon Slayer. Hulu is another great option to stream the show by the fans.