Based on the manga Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, by author Koyoharu Gotōge. Demon Slayer is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of Tanjirou and Nezuko. Ever since its release, this anime series has gained rapid popularity amongst viewers worldwide, causing an online sensation of its own. The manga debut was five years ago (in February of 2016), and after that, with the addition of the web series – in just Japan, the franchise has grossed over $2.6 billion.
The series is about the life of Tanjirou, a teenager whose family is slaughtered by demons, and his sister is turned into one. Hoping to get revenge for his kin, as well as turn his sister back into a human, he starts his journey to train and becomes a demon slayer.
The Release Date for Season 2
According to the latest announcement, we can expect a specific date at the earliest, since season 2 was set to premiere in the summer of 2021. Comparing the second season to the first, we can guess that it will go on till the end of the year with more or less than the same number of episodes (the first season had 26).
However, if you are a Netflix subscriber and a fan of the show, your wait may have to be much longer. Although the first season came to an end in September of 2019, it did not stream on the OTT platform until January of 2021. If this trend continues, the second season may arrive on Netflix only by early to mid-2023.
What to Expect From the Second Season?
If you are new to the series, in addition to the first season, you should probably also watch the demon slayer movie to catch up with the plot before season 2. If you are already a fan of the manga, then you probably know enough (although the movie is still definetly worth the watch).
Just to speculate what might happen in the second season, let’s look back on the climax of the first season. At the very end of the first season, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosukewere assigned to their first mission as one of the Demon Slayer Corps. In the movie, Tanjiro and his friends attack the Lower One of the Twelve Moons, which is led by MuzanKibutsuji, the demon that slew his family.
In the upcoming season’s trailer shows the bunch of Demon slayers going to Yoshiwara to fight more demons in their own turf after many wives in the town go missing.
It is likely that akin to the first season, the second will also stream on Crunchyroll.