Dexter New Blood is an American TV drama show based on a crime that was made in continuation for the show Dexter. Clyde Philips is the creator of the miniseries Dexter New Blood. The series was first released on November 7, 2021, and Marcos Siega has directed the series. Dexter New Blood is set 10 years later. Dexter has faked his own passing and began another life in Iron Lake, New York.
Despite the fact that he has figured out how to stifle his indomitable attitudes, there will be occurrences in the town that may uncover his actual character. He has taken up another character and is known as Jim Lindsay, and is sincerely engaged with the town’s central cop Angela Bishop. Dexter New Blood episode 9 will be on air on January 2, 2022, and the fans are standing by anxiously for its release.
When Is It Releasing?
Dexter New Blood is an American TV drama show based on a crime that was first released on November 7, 2021. The series is all set for the release of Episode 9 on January 2, 2022. The series has garnered a good fan base, and the upcoming episode is waited with great anticipation by the fans.
Where To Watch?
Dexter New Blood Episode 9 will be released on January 2, 2022, on Showtime. The series is also available for streaming on platforms like Voot and Amazon Prime Video for those who wish to stream the miniseries digitally.
What To Know Before Watching Episode 9?
Dexter New Blood is set 10 years later. Dexter has faked his own passing and began another life in Iron Lake, New York. Despite the fact that he has figured out how to stifle his indomitable attitudes, there will be occurrences in the town that may uncover his actual character. He has taken up another character and is known as Jim Lindsay, and is sincerely engaged with the town’s central cop Angela Bishop.
According to the official synopsis of the show, Dexter New Blood Episode 9 is titled ‘Unfair Game’ and will depict Harrison and Dexter gaining proximity with each other just before the Christmas break. However, the duo is confronted by the antiques of a serial killer. On the other hand, the safety of Iron Lake seems to be at stake for Angela as she ponders over whether it is the same place now that she actually thought about.
What Happened In The Previous Episode?
Dexter New Blood Episode 8 was released on December 26, 2021, and is titled ‘Big Game.’ The episode depicted Dexter in great trouble as he tried to save his life in the woods. This leads him to an abandoned summer camp, where he confronts the unexpected.
On the other hand, Harrison finds himself in a tricky situation about his fathers and two very different paths associated with them. Angela seems pretty disturbed as she realizes something that is not that great for her.