All American is a drama series that first aired on October 10, 2018. It is based on the story of Spencer Paysinger, an American football player. The story begins with recruiting an American football player from South L.A. to play for Beverly Hills High. With the proceeding of the series, the effect of the recruitment, the wins, and the losses are portrayed to the audience.
There are 71 episodes, with 4 seasons belonging to the show. They have renewed the series for yet another season. The rating of the show is 7.6/10 on IMDb and 80% on rotten tomatoes, which can be considered an interesting watch for football fans all over the globe. The episodes are available to be streamed on the platform Amazon Prime Video.
Suspense Behind The Death Of Coop
The ending of the third season of ‘All American’ presented a cliffhanger for the fans and left them with uncertainty regarding the death of the character Tamia “Coop” Cooper. In the season 3 last episode, Mo pulled the trigger on the gun and shot Coop. Coop tried to talk her down, but that didn’t stop her. Preach finally arrived at the scene, but Mo had already shot Coop.
Season 3 ended with that scene, which left the audience in shock, as Coop is one of the show’s main characters, and her death would bring a prime influence on the story of the show. The fans expected the question to be answered in the fourth installment of the series, which was notified to be released on Netflix on May 31.
It also hinted that “Bre-z” might quit the show, which was sudden for the audience.
Did Coop Die In The Show?
Now that the wait is over and season 4 episodes have been released, the truth is ready to be released to the audience.
Season 4 Episode 1 proceeds with the suspense presented in the last season and doesn’t reveal the status of Coop immediately.
Finally, we find Coop did not succumb to death in the show. However, the shot harmed her pretty painfully. This pushed her to go into surgery and stay in a coma for a few days. Finally, she wakes up from a coma. The officers are visiting her to inquire about the accident; she fabricates the story to save Preach from going to jail, as Preach had shot Mo immediately after the incident.
Coop is one of the main characters. The story may follow Coop’s healing from the coma and how her relationship with Spencer will proceed.
The main cast members in this series include Daniel Erza in the role of Spencer James (the footballer who inspired the series), Samantha Logan acting as Olivia Baker, Michael Evans Behling playing the role of Jordan Baker, Greta Onieogou acting as Layla Keating, Bre-z in the role of Tamia Cooper, Taye Diggs as Billy Baker, Chelsea Tavares as Patience, Hunter Clowdus as J.J. Parker and the rest include the recurring characters.