Based on the Japanese sci-fi manga series by the same name and penned and sketched by Hiro Mashima, Edens Zero has been produced by J.C Staff as the television series. Shinji Ishihara and Yūshi Suzuki are the directors for the anime television series, while Mitsutaka Hirota has written it down. It premiered with its first episode named “Into The Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter” on April 11, 2021.
The characters include Shiki Granbell voiced by Takuma Terashima, Happy being voiced by Rie Kugimiya, Rebecca Bluegarden voiced by Mikako Komatsu, EM Pino voiced by ShioriIzawa, Weisz Steiner voiced by Hiromichi Tezuka, Ziggy being voiced by Hochu Otsuka, Homura Kogetsu being voiced by ShikiAoki, Wich Regret voiced by KiyonoYasuno, Elsie Crimson being voiced by Sayaka Ohara among others. A video game version of the anime has also been announced by Konami. To know what’s in store in the upcoming episode, keep on reading the article.
Recap of Episode 22
Episode 22, titled “My Mother, The Machine,” went on air on September 12, 2021. The story focused on the past life of Homura when she lived with her mother Valkyrie in the town of Oedo. Valkyrie adopted her as a child. But the arrest of Homura by the authorities on the grounds of an illegal attack on the officials led her to custody. Meanwhile, Valkyrie starts her mission to look for Homura’s biological mother and eventually lands in the Sun Jewel district.
Upon knowing the ill deeds being committed by Madame Kurenai, who now happens to be the ruler of the district, she tries to confront her about the mistakes but gets herself killed in a blast planned by Kurenai. Homura and Shiki were devastated after learning about the death of Valkyrie. The episode concluded when Shiki was paid a visit by Kurenai to demand the last battle.
What can We Expect from Edens Zero Episode 23?
Episode 23 of Edens Zero is titled “Until the Day It Turns to Strength.” Since the previous episode concluded when Kurenai demanded a battle with Shiki, the upcoming episode will pick from the particular situation. Shiki is determined to kill evil Kurenai to end the malpractices of slavery going on in the district. Not only this but the death of Valkyrie will also be given justice.
Meanwhile, Homura is still devastated by the news of Valkyrie’s demise and looks for answers to her questions. She goes to Kurenai and demands answers as to why she left her and the reason for killing Valkyrie. Being her biological mother, Kurenai would manipulate Homura into fulfilling her evil purposes, but her attempts would go in vain. Homura remembers the teachings by her mother Valkyrie and refrains from joining Kurenai in her sinful acts.
When will Episode 23 of Edens Zero be Release?
Episode 23 of Edens Zero, titled “Until The Day It Turns To Strength,” will be broadcast on September 19, 2021. The audience anywhere in the world will be able to enjoy the episode on Hulu, Bilibili, and Netflix. The upcoming episode has been penned by MegumuSasano and is the directorial venture of YūsukeOnoda and Yūshi Suzuki. After the release of this episode, two more will be left to conclude the series finally.