Foundation is an American science fiction television drama series that was first released on September 24, 2021. Josh Friedman and David S Goyer direct the series. The series is inspired by Isaac Asimov’s novel ‘Foundation.’ Series is produced by David S. Goyer, Josh Friedman, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Marcy Ross, and Robyn Asimov.
Foundation revolves around a thousand-year-old saga of the Foundations, that are a band of exiles who have discovered the one and only way to stop the destruction of the Galactic Empire, which is nothing but to defy the empire. The series received a warm response from the audience as well as the critics and has received an average rating. The series is all set to release its third episode on October 1, 2021, and the audience is eagerly waiting for the sci-fi drama to unfold.
Where to Watch?
Foundation season 1 is already on air and is all set to release its 3rd episode on October 1, 2021, and can be streamed on Apple TV+. The series can be streamed exclusively on Apple TV + and is not available on other streaming platforms as of now. There has been no confirmation from the makers’ side regarding its release on any other OTT platform, and one can take a subscription to Apple TV + to stream Foundation season 1 episode 3.
Cast and Plot
Foundation revolves around a thousand-year-old saga of The Foundations, that are a band of exiles who have discovered the one and only way to stop the destruction of the Galactic Empire, which is nothing but to defy the empire. Episode 3 is all set for release on October 1, 2021, and is titles ‘The Mathematician’s Ghost.’ This might depict Hari Seldon’s unexpected death and the repercussions of a chain of events that the mathematician has already set in motion.
The Foundations might have to go on their own to save humanity in the absence of their leader. Trantor, the Galactic capital, might show how the empire deals with the array of attacks on their planet. Dusk, the oldest emperor, seems to be in doubt and has a different attitude than Day, the youngest emperor, and there might be some conflict arising between the leaders of the Galactic Empire.
The cast of Foundation includes Jared Harris, who plays Hari Seldon. Lee Pace plays the character of Brother Day. Cassian Bilton plays the character of Brother Dawn. Terrence Mann plays the character of brother Dusk. Lou Llobell plays the character of Gaal Dornick. Leah Harvey plays the character of Salvor Hardin. Laura Birn plays the character of Eto Demerzel. And Alfred Enoch plays the character of Raych Seldon.