This is an animation series, basically Japanese animation. The first season was out in Japan on 2013. And the second season was out by 2014. It went in for season three in 2018.
What is it About?
The scene is set in Japan. In the small town of Iwatobi. Its about a very young child, primarily in high school. His name is Haruka Nanase. He has been gifted with many talents from which swimming tops the list. But this child, too, has a rival in the scene, and he is his childhood rival named Rin Matsuoka. They have just increased the weightage of the school team that Haruka is a part of. There are some other students too that are in the team and are helping the team grows.
The team grows with the support and practice. But here, the team kept evolving, and with it, the rivalry kept growing too. Rin had been having a tough time here, but he eventually brushes himself up for it. And swimming was his desire, but now that has just escalated entirely, and he’s turned over a new leaf.
The First Part
Free: eternal summer
Here we see the grown-up Haruka, who is in his final year but has no idea what he should be doing after graduation. On the other hand, Rin’s childhood friend, Sosuke, is transferred to a different academy. He wanted to go along in competition with him but loses hope. But his best friend ends up in an injury on his shoulder. It’s time for regionals and Haruka, who wishes to make up to the front, which makes him lose focus on what to do in life.
The Second Part
Free : dive into the future
Haruka finally gets into a university. And there he meets some of the students who were with him in high school. But there is a student who is still in grief because of the team breaking up while moving forward in life, and his name is Ikuya. Haruka is disheartened knowing this, and he wishes to reunite with Ikuya so that he can live his spirits up this time.
Haruka learns several new moves and goes in a competition facing Ikuya. But little did he know that he was already into deep competition with those who were higher in rank with him, and it would be different and difficult for him this time. Despite that, Haruka trains himself harder rather he would be able to conquer all the global competitions as well.
Final Stroke Part 2
Well, we’ve been waiting for this for a long time. And it’s all set to be released on April 22, 2022. The plot of the upcoming part is completely hidden, and it’s open to the audiences to come up with surprises and think absurd. But it has something to do with the tagline that States, let’s go, to the stage of glory’, which indicates that Haruka will be able to reunite with his friends for something huge.