Gentefied is an American drama-comedy series created by Yvette Chavez, Marcus Lemus & Linda. When Netflix announced the second season of Gentefied, it also released the cast list, and we can see new faces have been added in the second season of the show along with the old cast. The cast list is as follows:
New Cast Members:
- Clarissa Thibeaux will be playing the role of Bree Solano.
- Melinna Bobadilla will be playing the role of Melinna Barragan.
- Ivana Rojas will be playing the role of Sarai Damian.
- Manuel Uriza will be playing the role of Ernesto Morales.
Main Cast Members:
- Joaquin Cosio will be portraying the character of Casimiro Morales, also known as Pop; he is a widowed owner of “Mama Fina’s.”
- J. Soria will be portraying the role of Erik Morales, and he is one of the grandsons of Pop.
- Carlos Santos will be portraying the role of Chris Morales, and he is the other grandson of Pop and a chef.
- Karrie Martin will be portraying the role of Ana Morales, and she is one of the granddaughters of Pop, and she is an artist.
Release Date and Where to Watch
It felt like an eternity waiting for the second season of Gentefied, and for a while, it looked that the second would not be arriving before the mid of 2022. Still, the wait is over because, on September 10, 2021, Netflix announced the release date of the second season is on November 10, 2021, the second season would be released globally.
Gentefied is a Netflix exclusive TV series which means that this TV series is available only on Netflix. It is very much likely to be not available on any other OTT platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, Hulu, and Disney+ Hotstar, which is understandable because, in order to survive in this market, the entertainment services need to release TV shows or movies which are available exclusively on their platform.
An Expected Plot of the 2nd Season
The second season will be continued from where the first season came to an end where the Morales family was busy celebrating the birth of Erik’s newborn daughter, and Pop was in trouble. He was getting arrested because of an outstanding fine for causing vandalism six months ago. At the end of the first season, Erik realized Pop was not present, and he was being arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement because Pop was an undocumented immigrant.
We will also witness a possible patch-up of Ana and Yessika. In addition to all these problems, we will also see how Mama Fina’s future is in grave danger when Vivian, an art enthusiast, plans to turn Mama Fina’s into a “ theme pop-up food experience.” The Morales family will face new problems and drama while dealing with new love, babies, and an estranged father.
The second season of the show will be as enjoyable as the first season of the show, and it teaches us that even though life can get complicated at times, it becomes bearable when you have your family beside you.