Girls Planet 999: The Girls Saga is a reality show competition in South Korea. The show was first aired on August 6, 2021, and airs every Friday at 08:20 pm KST. The show will be running for a total of 12 episodes which will release on a weekly basis, and the show will have its finale on October 22, 2021. Girls Planet 999 air on Mnet and is produces jointly by CJ E&M; Studio Take One, and NC Soft.
The main motive behind the show is to recruit and make a girls K-Pop group consisting of 9 members, which include idols and trainees from South Korea, Japan, and China. The auditions for the participants began in January to February of 2021, and the shoot started in a few months. A total of 99 contestants had been selected through the auditions, which were then divided into three groups, namely K, J, and C groups.
Keeping in mind the huge popularity that K-Pop has gained in a few years, it can be said that the Girls Planet is a unique show and can attract a lot of audiences. The eighth episode of Girls Planet is all set to release on September 24, 2021, and it will be interesting to see what tasks are in store for the participants.
Where To Watch?
Girls Planet 999: The Girls Sagashow was first aired on August 6, 2021, and airs every Friday at 08:20 pm KST. The show was premiered on Mnet in South Korea. However, it can be viewed on several platforms across different countries such as Mnet Japan and Abema T.V in Japan, iQIYI in China, along with other countries of South-East Asia.
Episode 8 of Girls Planet can be watched across all these platforms. The show also airs on Mnet’s YouTube channel, which is for a worldwide audience. As of now, there is no confirmation regarding the show’s release on OTT platforms like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.
What Is The Show About And Who Is In It?
The main motive behind the show is to recruit and make a girls K-Pop group consisting of 9 members, which includes idols and trainees from South Korea, Japan, and China. A total of 99 contestants had been selected through the auditions, which were then divided into three groups, namely K, J, and C groups. The series follows a Planet theme and is presented by Yeo Jin-goo, who is dubbed as Planet Master.
The show also has different masters for singing and dancing, such as K-Pop masters are Lee Sun-mi and Tiffany Young, Dance Masters are Baek Koo-young and Jang Juhee, Vocal Masters are Lim Han-Byul and Jo Ayoung.
These masters guide the group, and there are several tasks that the groups have to perform and learnings they need to acquire in order to win the show. Episode 8 which is supposed to be released on September 24, girls will be introduced to the Creation Mission Songs, and 27 girls will be eliminated from the show.