Great Chocolate Showdown, an exciting and entertaining cooking competition Canadian television series. Though initially just premiered in its country of origin as Canada in its well-known Food Network, this food reality television series has eventually been taken forward by America’s viral network known as CW Network. This makes it available to a broader number of audiences.
Great Chocolate Showdown is an entertainment reality show, just like every other such television show, has the judges and participants facing each other. Judges of the show are Anna Olson, Steven Hodge, and Cynthia Stroud. The show has been produced by Corus Studio, Nikki Ray Media Agency, and Food Network Canada. Also, so far, the series has released two seasons.
Great Chocolate Showdown: What Is It About?
Great Chocolate Showdown is a delightful show with exciting episodes. Here, ten contestants are seen competing with one another to win the big prize and fame. The viewers get to learn and enjoy the show altogether.
This show focuses on dessert baking, where ten equally efficient baking experts take multiple challenges to be chosen as the best of all. Also, the show has well-known judges who test their skills to the maximum potential and decide the right one to be rewarded.
Great Chocolate Showdown: Ratings and Reviews?
Great Chocolate Showdown, to sum it up in a line ‘a show, fun to watch. This reality television show has brought the best dessert baking experience for the contestant and the viewers. A lot one can learn simply by watching it. For those who are colossal dessert baking fans and want to try specific unique recipes at home, this show is for them and every single person out there in the world.
The show so far has received good ratings and reviews. The audience has remained balanced in both seasons. For so long, the viewers have always been interested in such reality competitions, as they form their personal favorite choice of contestant becoming more connected to the show and craving for that particular contestant to win it after all.
Great Chocolate Showdown: When And Where Was it Premiered?
Great Chocolate Showdown show initially aired its first season on 4th February 2020 and the second season just a year later on 22nd February 2021. Both the seasons consist of eight episodes, and 45minutes approximate each episode running time.
Great Chocolate Showdown, as known, is a Canadian-originated reality television show. Both seasons aired on Food Network Canada, and this was eventually taken to America’s CW Network to reach out to a larger audience.
Great Chocolate Showdown: All The Details To Know Before Watching
The audience must know that this is a reality television series and not a web series or a movie. The show centers around chocolate being it is main
Ingredients. A cooking show, yet different from other such well-known cooking competitions. It aims to find the one who is a master in creating desserts.