This is an American drama series. The story is about two brothers who turn out to be enemies. One of them turns out to be the super bad guy as he specializes in wrestling. He’s a professional in that area and thus fighting is in his veins. He is called the heel because usually in fighting arenas the one who plays the bad guy is usually termed as a heel. Usually, the ones who go against the rules do what are told not to do.
The role of a heel is not primarily to be villainous but its role is to grab the audience’s reaction by doing things that might amuse them on a different level. The second one is actually a hero here, he’s the face. Just the opposite to his brother. Since his brother is the heel, he’s the face, which makes him the good guy here. He would be counted amongst the audience’s favorite ones.
The one whose entry makes the audience go all mad for it. They are reserved for promotions with the sole purpose of being the center of attraction for the fans. He would be a total opposite to the heel. So here, one brother is the ‘face’ whereas the other is ‘heels’. And we know exactly how different they would be from each other here.
What is the purpose of the two brothers?
Both of them are in the same profession, but still different from each other, as they prove to be dead against each other in real life and in reel life too. Right from the start, they would play the opposites and now in the ring too, they have roles that terminate their brotherhood and urge them to carry the rivalry around so that they can perform better in each designated post.
The two brothers are working this way because they were born to a wrestler father. As we know that this is some inherited talent and the two are now head over heels to get the late father’s promotion for themselves. Here too they’re fighting over a dead man’s ability to ward off their issues. They live in a small town named Georgia and now they want to gain national attention by acquiring the place that the name of the father could fetch for them.
What can we say about the upcoming episode 8 ?
You might want to hold on to your seats rather firmly as you’re about to witness the final episode of the season. Everything that the town of Georgia wanted to showcase with Jack spade might soon head towards a closure.
It’s something that might have wanted just a lot of time to have occurred so soon. A sheer example of plans that are made with lots of care and love are too bound to be canceled at the last moment like any other moment.
Unlike other shows, where everything is scripted and you just have to go along with it, this show has given several instances where it went off the script. It was written for a purpose and even that was denied or just changed while shooting it. Maybe the whole show had just bits of those scenes that were scripted.
Well, you might want to hold on to a cliffhanger as the season draws to an end.