This is a South African comedy series. It was released on December 16 in the year 2020 on Netflix. The series went in for a second season in the past April. A duo produces it; both of them are siblings named Katleho and Ramaphakela.
Both of them have expressed their excitement for the second season in a recent interview. It was a great compliment for them when Netflix praised the show by saying that the show is made by Africans but is watched by the world. This clearly indicates that the show has received a good amount of love and appreciation.
The Release Date for the Show
According to sources, Netflix is planning to have it released by this year’s Christmas as a Christmas present for all. However, the date has not been announced by now. The only possible truth here is that it’s coming back in the festive season so that it will be fun-packed and just the right thing that people are waiting for. The first season provided three hour-long episodes that actually kept the audience entertained for a long time. So there’s still ample time for you to catch up before the second season arrives.
Why can We Expect 2021 to be the Releasing Year?
Also, it might sound pleasing to you that even though the global pandemic caused a huge amount of loss and chaos for the other production houses, it didn’t seem to disturb the working of this production. Hence, it would be appropriate to say that we can keep an eye on the year-end for the arrival of this show. Even the first season was released at this time only so it’s not a coincidence.
Cast for the Second Season
Though there isn’t confirmation regarding the cast of the show by now. But, likely, the official cast would definitely return to the sets. You will be seeing BusiseLurayi, who would be there as the maid of honor, Tumi, Thando, and Thabethe as the sisters, and the bride, Beauty Sello. There might be others as well.
Though there’s no news about the coming of new characters or replacing any one of them. Though replacement is not the option here, we can always be open to introducing new characters.
What could the Possible Plot be for this Season?
As the show focuses on the wedding of Beauty Sello and Sbu Twala. The story is narrated from the perspective of the bridesmaid and the bride’s sister, Tumi. Due to some problem back at home, Tumi didn’t stay there, she left, but the only reason she’s back home is that her beloved sister is finally going away with her better half.
Khaya, Tumi’s friend, is there to help her but unfortunately she messes up the ceremonies twice. Now Tumi has to fix the scenarios there. But she has also to figure out what is going on with Khaya.