This is a teen drama consisting of comedy and crime. It was released on Netflix, the most popular platform in 2019 and the very first season comprised six episodes. The second season was released in 2020 and the third in 2021—precisely one year for each season which is not a wide gap.
This series is set up in Germany. And the story has been told from the perspective of a teen boy who is exceptionally into books, named Mortiz Zimmerman. He is also addressed as the “nerd”. Mortiz is joined by his companion named Lenny Sander. Lenny wishes to bring out Mortiz’s love for his former girlfriend, Lisa. Just a mere attempt to get her back, these two get into the online drug business. Though they didn’t expect it to expand, it eventually does. That too on a big scale.
The Wait for Season 4!
The last season showed Mortiz handling everything by himself. Lenny’s condition isn’t that good, so he seeks Mortiz’s help. And as good friends stand by each other during times of crisis, this two stick around as usual. But this time, the consequences are just surprising. They thought it would be one last comeback, but the prize to be paid is enormous, and that’s precisely where the show takes an interesting turn.
Season 3 has just been released, and it’s still green in our memories; and keeping in mind the period between the episodes, it’s just not the time for it. And left on a turn whether they would be bearing the consequences of this drug-selling business, we think it’s appropriate not to let the cat out of the bag soon enough.
Is this Series Based on a True Event?
Hard to believe, yes it is. This is a story of an 18-year-old who started this illegal work within the four walls of his bedroom. But he wasn’t just an amateur in it. He was well versed with the customer habits and expectations, and he delivered just what they needed. And within a short period, he expanded this business to such an extent that today his activities are being covered as a famous TV series. And is continuing to gain popularity and love from the viewers.
Was the Drug Lord Part Real?
Being involved in an illegal business and still not behind bars? Well, that’s difficult. The 18-year-old boy named Maximilian, whose story is being converted into a series, had come to the set while his story was being framed to put together a series. He was in prison but was allowed to go out during the day. The creator of the series was himself surprised when Max revealed that he was the drug Lord himself. This was hard to believe, but he confessed it. And there might be chances of a documentary on the fundamental insights of Max’s life.