The popular teen show iCarly originally aired from 2007 to 2012 and has been the creation of Dan Schneider. Starring Jennette McCurdy, Miranda Cosgrove, Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor, and others, the show went to earn Emmy nominations five times in a row. The show garnered good feedback from the viewers, but the critics had mixed feelings about it.
Last year in June, Paramount+ released the show’s revival series that starred Miranda Cosgrove, Jerry Trainor, and Nathan Kress. If you wonder what the show was all about and are planning to give it a watch, this article will help you with it.
What Critic has to Say About iCarly?
According to our critic, iCarly is a show that had characters way ahead of the time it premiered. The show carries a unique storyline and is pretty likable in the first go itself. Although there isn’t any shortage of teen drama nowadays, but this one feels refreshing and distinctive.
But here’s the catch- the show will have to be watched from the beginning, from 2007 all the way upto 2012, to get thorough entertainment as it would not be that interesting if started midway. The show, with its relatable theme, houses many glitches, but its overall impact outweighs them.
The show carries its characters from their early teens to young adulthood, making the story highly relatable with the their problems and situations being close to the young generation. Even if the show were released now, it would outstand in so many ways.
Should You Stream or Skip iCarly?
Definitely, the show is high on our recommendation list. Starting from season 1, which shows the characters to be kids with cringey moments, the seasons 2 to 4 were commendable as the characters grew up and became mature enough. The subsequent seasons made the show appear to be a real teen show and thoroughly gripping. We would recommend you to stream it!
What is iCarly All About?
The series’s premise focuses on a young girl named Carly, who hosts her own web show named iCarly that she produces in a loft studio. She lives with her young adult brother named Spencer. Initially, not willing to turn into a kids celebrity, the events that progressed into making her one started out randomly when she got appointed for the talent show by her teacher in the school.
Carly, accompanied by her pal Sam begins to audition children for the talent show, and the entire process gets taped by her tech freak friend Freddie who posts the clip on the web without the girls knowing about it. The video was filled with hilarious encounters and great chemistry that instantly caught the audience’s attention, and they began to ask for more.
Thus, begins the journey of Carly and her buddy Sam to make more such content that was based on themes of recipes, interviews, reality shows, problem-solving, and sketches.
Where to Watch iCarly?
The option to stream iCarly is available on Netflix, fuboTV, and Paramount+. One can also rent or buy the show’s episodes from iTunes, Vudu, Google Play Movies, and Amazon Instant Video.