Well, if we’re talking about reviews, then this story has the utmost quality content keeping in mind the Ryan Murphy franchise.
The opening of this is set in Washington in the year 1998. A woman named Monica Lewinsky is seen crying and completely devastated as she stares out of the window. The weather is gloomy and is pouring heavily. She sits there in despair and forces herself to wipe off the tears rushing down her cheeks.
What is it About?
Monica is seen packing as she is engrossed in her work; she doesn’t expect anything to interrupt her workflow. But soon, she receives a call from another woman named Linda Tripp. This call isn’t just a mere checking up on her call. Rather the woman on the other end asks Lewinsky to catch up with her in a mall. The mall mentioned by her is situated near the Pentagon.
But this call suggests a very different aspect. It suggests that maybe it’s an initiative to keep Monica in Washington and prevent her from moving towards any other location other than that. So Lewinsky, like an obedient lady, agrees to come to the mall. The mall as usual is packed up, and she makes her way through it.
Somebody is walking behind her, but it’s none other than an FBI agent. In the food court of the mall, Tripp makes her appearance. Lewinsky is grabbed in for questioning. Mike Emmick investigates her. There’s a glimpse from the past where Tripp is seen working as a normal individual as an assistant. That event took place in the year 1993. There are some rumors regarding an affair between Vince and the First Lady.
After a while, when Tripp has moved away from that scene, she’s is seen as a veteran. She informs a lady named Katherine, who is a donor’s wife, but she’s not involved in the internship work at the office. Tripp informs her that she would support herself by writing a book. But there’s a meeting after that, but she promises to refrain from mentioning the names.
But books aren’t an easy way to sell unless the content attracts the readers. So Tripp’s book has to have the content that would make its way to the buyers. Meanwhile, a woman named Paula Jones is dealing with a magazine. This magazine would give insights to her intimate relationship with Bill Clinton. Her husband wishes to receive an apology from Clinton.
Soon after, we see Tripp’s work as a member of the communication office. Though this means a demotion for her, she continues to do her work with all the effort required. Unfortunately, that’s when Lewinsky comes in her path.
Stream it or Not?
Now coming to the important part, as the content states, an absolute watch as the storyline is confusing and even more interesting. However, it might be a little disappointing in between if we consider the bold and broad strokes.